My opinion on Krank, RT staff, and users here...

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New member
So once upon a time an amp manufacturer that had a bad rep in the past decided they were going to become part of a different online community. I did not directly read the threads that started all the krank trend bashing a while back, but I have heard stories be told. Guess what, SHIT HAPPENS. It was a new company, in a huge market thats really hard to hold place or stay in business, and they were trying some creative marketing techniques. Were they wrong techniques? Maybe, but I am no judge, and I don't have the right to judge other people.

Now take a look at all the bands this company is helping out. I am not sure what they are selling the amps for to endorsee's, but fact of the matter is they are helping out tons of bands that are out there on the road trying to make an honest living doing what they love. It's not easy being on the road in a lot of the bands out there today. While in some people's minds they may have fucked up, and they certanly have a bad rep, the fact of the matter is they are doing more good than bad.

So Krank try's to join here. I am not sure if they are paying for thier own forum here or not (I don't see why they would not be) but if they are, they are doing one more positive thing for musicians. Helping support a place like this really helps out some people. I am broker than broke right now, and I am greatful for having a place like this to go to help me get some better deals on some used gear. I also can't be thankful enough to the people that sort of grow into a family on here and help each other out as much as they can. I mean shit I even had a guy here send me a 9v battery, and a power supply for free. In my eyes thats gold right there and shows a whole lot. So if Krank wants to help a place like this stay alive (even if it benifits thier own company by having more advertisement) I give them quite a bit of respect.

Now it sucks, because they have mad some bad mistakes to some people in the past. People can not let go. They came here on a positive note, trying to help us not hurt us, and what happens? Lots of people unload on them. I am actually rather sad that thier forum is gone, and there is a little bit of semi drama floating around on here about the whole situation. I jsut hope the RT staff can see past this and welcome Krank again, and I hope some of the users that feel the need to bash on them can jsut keep quiet and let the people that want krank on here have krank here. Pretty much all of us here are adults, and I am quite sure joe schmoe doesn't care how far joe cool can piss, so why bother?

Now I have never owned or played a krank product. If I honestly had the cash (this is aside from that new mini stack I keep reading about) I would probably buy something else. I will say I have heard some bad ass clips of krank products on some of these sites, and that includes beautiful leads. I have also heard quite a few bands play live and pull in HUGE tone from Krank products. A few of my friends bands are endorsed by the company right now, and all thier gear seems great. Obviously with so many bands playing krank it shows they are built strong and are road worthy. So if it is a quality product why can't we all jsut see past the BS?

Cheers to Krank, and boohoo to the bashers. The bashers have done more damage to this forum than they have to krank thats for sure.
I was dissaointed to see Krank leave here. Patrick seemed up front about stuff and answered questions in good time.

From reading the thread, there were some controversial questions asked that prompted a Krank devotee to get loose defending them. I think everything would have been fine if all parties had just dropped it and moved on.

Sometimes it's better just to shine things on.
very unfortunate. I honestly wish we could give it one more shot. I think it will be worth it in the end if we all act mature about it.
I welcomed them with open arms. It was the 2 kids that caused it. I tried to moderate with no backup. After our discussion earlier, you still don't see how it was.
MitchSchaft":d7b34 said:
I welcomed them with open arms. It was the 2 kids that caused it. I tried to moderate with no backup. After our discussion earlier, you still don't see how it was.

yes I did not see any discussion, or the fight that lead to them being removed from the site. Perhaps it is better to leave them... maybe it's not. Thats for you guys to decide, but as an active member of a place I really like I figured I'd voice my opinion on the matter. Just trying to help, not hurt.
More companies the better was my thinking and was just going to stay out of it and hoped that it would work.

That said that one kid was an idiot.
I was offered an entry level endorsement from Krank... and im buying 2 Krank cabs this month (well at least one) and shortly after... a Chadwick... the Chadwick kicks serious ass, and the guys at Krank seem completely awesome and honest dudes. Chris Catero is the guy im dealing with at Krank and he is an A+ dude. This company actually takes time to come chat with us about their products even though they dont HAVE to. I dont see anyone from Marshall or Mesa doing that, as far as im concerned, great guys, great product, and deserve nothing less than honest respect :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
SgtThump":4edfa said:

There was no fight that caused them to be removed. A few points...

1 - They already had a forum and I didn't check that out first. Our site is for manufacturer's that don't have forums.

2 - People on this forum were causing trouble with them and nobody wanted that.

3 - People on their forum were bad talking Rig-Talk and nobody wanted that.

I decided to pull the plug and tell them why. It wasn't an argument between the RT staff and the Krank staff. It was the forum members screwing everything up and I thought it would be best to just remove their board (besides, they already have one and I didn't realize that.)

They removed the anti-RT comments from their board, I tried to remove them from ours, but people bitch that it's turning into HC. :scared:

Gotcha! I didn't think there was arguement between the two staffs, I was thinking RT members and krank staff. I understand the situation fully now. See you later Krankagator!!!!! Hopefully they still post here regardless, that would be cool.
SgtThump":41fc7 said:

1 - They already had a forum and I didn't check that out first. Our site is for manufacturer's that don't have forums.

2 - People on this forum were asking legitimate questions about Krank.

3 - Their moderator ignored the questions and called them shit-talkers

4 - People on their forum were over-reacting and bad talking Rig-Talk and nobody wanted that.

5 - People on this forum were causing trouble with them and nobody wanted that.

I'll leave this alone now.
this simply goes to show you how easily one can earn a bad reputation that will follow you for a LONG time

you have an open public forum, people are bound to say both good and bad things...if you can't take the heat, stay outta the kitchen

they have some decent products tho, and seem to be doing well with them now...good for them
The Krank guys earned a bad rep because of the agressive campaign that they used when starting out. They pretty much said in early e-bay adds that they were better then Bogner/ Boogie(insert other famous amp mfgs here) etc etc. They were also busted for posting false reviews on HC about their products and HC pulled the reviews. If some of you guys want to say that they are honest dudes then so be it , but their past history shows otherwise and past histories die hard.

I have also had first hand experiance with some of their employees at NAMM and I could not get a word in edgewise. I tried the revolution amp and after I got out of the booth one salesman said..."There great amps right? Great amps!!" When I shook my head and tried to tell him what I thought of the amp he kept on repeating the same thing and would not let me speak. Lots of guys around me were put off by his actions. I also watched him do the same speach to Mark Cameron as I watched Mark literally try to give constructive critisim about the amp.
As far as there ampline.. tone is subjective. I personally don't like any of their amps but others do, so I'll leave it at that.
Once again, I would like to thank all who welcomed us.
A big THANKS to Chris Snider, a stand up guy.
I do appreciate him giving us a chance to be a part
of his excellent space here on the web.
It just didn't work out, that's cool. We'll move on.
We are heading into a very busy production time.
Will not have the opportunity to get into the forums as much as I would like.
If anyone does have questions, please feel free to contact me.
I may not respond right away, but I will get back to you.
Right now I've got a Les Paul Gem (w/a brand new pair of Duncan P90's) and a new KRANK Rev Jr calling my name....


Krank Amplification
I think what happened in the past could be left there...Patrick seems like a good guy and I have a friend that uses a Krank combo and it sounds great for the style of music he's doing.
MitchSchaft":c2e69 said:
I welcomed them with open arms. It was the 2 kids that caused it. I tried to moderate with no backup. After our discussion earlier, you still don't see how it was.

I'll leave it as this, as I do not want to provoke anything, from what I saw (and then left alone as it became an obvious attempt to troll), there were the two kids who were flaming everybody and especially bad mouthing mitch, the rest of the staff, and rig talk. I don't know if they edited their posts, or they were deleted, or anything for that matter, but that is what I saw.
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