My opinion on Krank, RT staff, and users here...

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I did not change your post. What is wrong with you? You didn't even see it or the posts that those 2 guys edited to make themselves look better. I edited no posts!
You still don't see what happened.
Mitch and seems you guys have an issue you should be dicscussing offline, not in a thread.

I don't think it does anyone any good for the 2 of you to be arguing over something like this in public.

No opinion on the whole Krank thing...I didn't even see what happened :confused:
mctallica1":89df8 said:
Mitch and seems you guys have an issue you should be dicscussing offline, not in a thread.

I don't think it does anyone any good for the 2 of you to be arguing over something like this in public.

No opinion on the whole Krank thing...I didn't even see what happened :confused:

On a side note...if you two jumbled your names (Mitch Thump and Sgt. Shaft) you could both be porn stars.
I missed the whole Krank thing. Now that I'm reading up on it and seeing what's going on, I can't help but laugh at all the irony.

They left because of two people messing around? LMAO! Come on, grow a pair. I bet each and every one of us will run into two people today that will fuck with us. Big deal. That's an opportunity to show what you're made of. Rig-talk didn't make their reputation, they did. I feel sorry for no person or company who can't put up with the bullshit they helped create. I do, however, respect those who persevere and turn things around.

I also find it ironic that threads and posts disappear. It's not the first time it's happened. How can things get aired out? Who decides what is appropriate or what is bullshit? One person? Two? Kind of funny what could be construed as power-tripping from a certain point of view. I see some really fucked up things here that I can't believe are accepted. Like those assholes with all the pedophile shit in their avatars and sigs. WTF is up with that? That's acceptable? Some flame wars are ok, but some aren't? :thumbsdown:

i stayed out of it till they left (and then made something like one post about it, and found rig-talk wouldn't let me edit it when i wanted to tone it down a bit? :doh: )

all i saw (though i might have missed what really went down) was that any time anyone criticised krank they were called "shit-talkers"... or did i miss something?
argonaut4":6ebd7 said:
They left because of two people messing around? LMAO! Come on, grow a pair.

I also find it ironic that threads and posts disappear. It's not the first time it's happened. How can things get aired out? Who decides what is appropriate or what is bullshit? One person? Two? Kind of funny what could be construed as power-tripping from a certain point of view. I see some really fucked up things here that I can't believe are accepted. Like those assholes with all the pedophile shit in their avatars and sigs. WTF is up with that? That's acceptable? Some flame wars are ok, but some aren't? :thumbsdown:

Krank didn't leave because of two people messing around, in fact, their forum would still be here if Krank didn't already have a support forum of their own. Chris has repeated this multiple times in various threads but for some reason it's not getting through.

As far as the avatars and sigs, let me just say that personally, I have avatars and sig images turned off because I saw too many that I didn't want on my monitor. I'm leaving it up to the other mods to choose what is and is not acceptable for those because my opinion of "too much" is different than theirs.

I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion but as you said, I guess it needs to be aired out.
I am offering my apology for this situation and any misunderstanding. I have learned from this and will apply it to any future dealings with other members.
I missed the Krank thing because I don't care for their amps so never went into that forum. This is all pretty fucking stupid, actually. The amount of drama around here these days has reached retarded levels it seems.
Gainfreak":fbaa6 said:
The Krank guys earned a bad rep because of the agressive campaign that they used when starting out. They pretty much said in early e-bay adds that they were better then Bogner/ Boogie(insert other famous amp mfgs here) etc etc. They were also busted for posting false reviews on HC about their products and HC pulled the reviews. If some of you guys want to say that they are honest dudes then so be it , but their past history shows otherwise and past histories die hard.

I have also had first hand experiance with some of their employees at NAMM and I could not get a word in edgewise. I tried the revolution amp and after I got out of the booth one salesman said..."There great amps right? Great amps!!" When I shook my head and tried to tell him what I thought of the amp he kept on repeating the same thing and would not let me speak. Lots of guys around me were put off by his actions. I also watched him do the same speach to Mark Cameron as I watched Mark literally try to give constructive critisim about the amp.
As far as there ampline.. tone is subjective. I personally don't like any of their amps but others do, so I'll leave it at that.

They also had the ads with dimebag holding the bag of chron in them, which they used in magazines in an edited version. I'm certainly no stranger to the chron and I still thought that was crossing the line given that we're talking about a lot of impressionable kids that buy the mags and saw the unedited versions online. Chron is not a big deal to me, but to some parents it would be and I thought the ads were in poor taste. That said, my other guitar player played some Kranks and thought they were great amps for metal, and I generally trust his opinion on tone. Frankly I think they probably do make a good product for their market and I know its hard to break out of the shadows and into the mainstream as far as gear is concerned, and they managed to do that very quickly. So in that sense, I "get" it.

Since they already have their own forum, I don't see any problem with Chris' decision, either.
argonaut4 said:
I missed the whole Krank thing. Now that I'm reading up on it and seeing what's going on, I can't help but laugh at all the irony.

They left because of two people messing around? LMAO! Come on, grow a pair. I see some really fucked up things here that I can't believe are accepted. Like those assholes with all the pedophile shit in their avatars and sigs. WTF is up with that?
whining about a few avatars? COME ON...GROW A FUKKEN PAIR!!!
j666":83725 said:

whining about a few avatars? COME ON...GROW A FUKKEN PAIR!!!

Or you could accept that not everyone holds the same values and/or opinions that you do. I don't care for some of the graphics in avatars or sigs either, and I've got a pair.
Bob Savage":c17f6 said:

Or you could accept that not everyone holds the same values and/or opinions that you do. I don't care for some of the graphics in avatars or sigs either, and I've got a pair.

but you also didn't tell an amp company to grow a pair "cus they left over 2 people"...not to mention, don't you have that shit turned off...see, a pair right there.
Patrick":4d046 said:
Once again, I would like to thank all who welcomed us.
A big THANKS to Chris Snider, a stand up guy.
I do appreciate him giving us a chance to be a part
of his excellent space here on the web.
It just didn't work out, that's cool. We'll move on.
We are heading into a very busy production time.
Will not have the opportunity to get into the forums as much as I would like.
If anyone does have questions, please feel free to contact me.
I may not respond right away, but I will get back to you.
Right now I've got a Les Paul Gem (w/a brand new pair of Duncan P90's) and a new KRANK Rev Jr calling my name....


Krank Amplification

What a bummer. Wish this coulda worked out...

j666":0b233 said:
whining about a few avatars? COME ON...GROW A FUKKEN PAIR!!!

:lol: Since I'm 99.99999999% sure these "avatar and sig" comments are directed at me, I'll respond. I know my avatar and sig will be considered poor taste and people won't exactly enjoy that. It's meant to be humerous and offensive. :) I still keep my favorite Amadeus quotes in there, however, for some seriousness in all of this.

As far as the Krank thing, I was a little apprehensive at first given their history. I was there at HC watching it happen, afterall. However, I thought they were acting really great from what I was reading. I missed the whole flame-war thing, so I can't really comment on that. Also, Patrick's follow-up posts show me that he really is an honest guy trying to help the company as much as possible. It's a shame to see it go, but I can also understand given that they already have their own forum and our's are for those who don't.

As far as constantly posting about Krank threads, the fact is, it needs to happen. People need to know what happened, and since this is a forum, everyone is going to throw in their 2 cents. That's part of the reason why forums exist - to talk about things. It'll settle down in a few weeks, but for right now, everyone might as well be as open as possible while this discussion unfolds, and eventually, withers away, tucked neatly into RT's history databank.
Bob Savage":df31b said:

Krank didn't leave because of two people messing around, in fact, their forum would still be here if Krank didn't already have a support forum of their own. Chris has repeated this multiple times in various threads but for some reason it's not getting through.

As far as the avatars and sigs, let me just say that personally, I have avatars and sig images turned off because I saw too many that I didn't want on my monitor. I'm leaving it up to the other mods to choose what is and is not acceptable for those because my opinion of "too much" is different than theirs.

I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion but as you said, I guess it needs to be aired out.

I was under the (wrong) impression they left because some guys were giving them the beans. It is hard, though, to get the facts when a section of the forum and other related threads disappear. I can understand the need for diplomacy and sweeping some dirt under the carpet. But that also creates unrest. Especially, at a place where people come to discuss things where the rules of conduct are a bit nebulous. I've never been opposed to moderation and I really don't think any mod here is on a power trip. Just questioning where the guidelines are set.
My Experience was the same as Ralphies at NAMM and then of course, you had the PR Blits that they attmepted at HCAF and yeah it left a bad taste in everyones mouth.

They obviously toned that whole approach down a bit and there comes a time when stuff like that should be left in the past and one moves on. It definitely wasnt right for them to be welcomed here and then subsequently flamed. And Im not saying that they were welcomed here so that they could be know what Im saying...

Personally, I hev never had any luck getting a good sound out of any of the Kranks that I have played but I did see 2 bands that used them and I have to be honest, they sounded pretty damn good...

I also think that its very cool and smart thing to offer manufacturers their own forum here. Seriously, where the hell else do you see that?

argonaut4":f2445 said:

I was under the (wrong) impression they left because some guys were giving them the beans. It is hard, though, to get the facts when a section of the forum and other related threads disappear. I can understand the need for diplomacy and sweeping some dirt under the carpet. But that also creates unrest. Especially, at a place where people come to discuss things where the rules of conduct are a bit nebulous. I've never been opposed to moderation and I really don't think any mod here is on a power trip. Just questioning where the guidelines are set.

That's the flipside of a place like this where there's intentionally very little moderation. In other words, it's par for the course for the rules of conduct to be a bit nebulous if you're going to have "freedom." As I recall, this is the very reason many migrated here from HC.
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