Paging my Dad - Carl Fiadino aka carlygtr56

Speed Metal Vince 2007":2b558 said:

Pshhht....that RESPONSE had no tone, weak ass vibrato....played like a Jerry Garcia solo. I'll bet you actually wear a WINGER shirt and play a Bogner Ecstacy, DONT you?

Love you Dad,

i could give a rat's ass about bogner OR marshalls OR hendrix OR vibrato. your response reeks of shit...prolly from all that manass you be eatin''s an idea for ya, make the dude cum already, swallow it and maybe your breath might smell better...still waiting on that kick.

Love you Carly,
j666":28648 said:

i could give a rat's ass about bogner OR marshalls OR hendrix OR vibrato. your response reeks of shit...prolly from all that manass you be eatin''s an idea for ya, make the dude cum already, swallow it and maybe your breath might smell better...still waiting on that kick.

Love you Carly,

Wow, you're gnarly..

At least WE agree on one thing, we BOTH love Carl.

Love you Dad,
I just slipped my finger between two of my toes. I'm pretty damn sure I felt a little moisture in there. Care to lick it out?
-=MYK=-":9b1ca said:
I just slipped my finger between two of my toes. I'm pretty damn sure I felt a little moisture in there. Care to lick it out?

You might want to save that in case you ever wake up in the middle of the desert after a night of drug-induced bliss.

edit: with your kidney gone

edit: both kidneys
Dad -

Thought Iwould just drop thi in here in case you missed the firstpage, because my real message to you is inside:


Hi Dad -

Dude, I've been thinking about just how heavily you PWNED those bitches in the JVM / Bogcock thread. They NEVER knew what hit them - LOW LEAN FAST AND MEAN :thumbsup:

I thought you would dig this - I PWNED those bitches at the JCF in this thread here:

It's pretty amazing, we said almost the same thing yet in different THREADS in two different forums. I should've been your twin instead of just your SON ;)

I was doing some searching though, and what I can't figure out is some of this stuff:
('And then the "Shitcanner"... makes you sound like Carl Fiadino....' - heh he did kind of pwn you with that one, Dad...I would suggest a sweep kick to the head) (some good pwnage in there, Dad :thumbsup: ) (why would this guy think you would be willing to do that :no: )
(aw man, you sooo pwned that guy :thumbsup: )

There was also a reference to your blow up doll divorcing you too, but I couldn't FIGURE that one out :confused:

Thats it MAN, just wanted to let you know I'm PSYCHED about hooking up with you. Got some great MEGADETH road stories to tell you about. I want to hear about all the chicks your banging too :thumbsup: Hey, Mom said something about maybe getting her WIG back when we hook up, maybe get it WASHED or something before I get there.

One last thing, I'M thinking about going the hyphenated route with OUR names - either Vince Sansavere - Fiadino, OR just Vince Sansafiadinovere, what do YOU think ?

Love you Dad,


Anyway, got the NAMBLA shirt, I'm going to wear it at the AMP SHOW this weekend. Pick YOU up around 10:00 a.m, we'll sweep kick some girls on the way THERE :thumbsup:

Little Vinny ( I love it when YOU call me that)