New (old) Marshall in the house. '78 JMP 100 Super Lead.

Vrad":ea9ce said:

Yup... I can't get by with just the Rich Mod. I need the Hotplate... :D But hey. I can't complain. I have a NMV Super Lead sounding good at mousefart volumes. Keeps everyone kinda happy... LOL! :D

If you're used to 50 watters, the 100 watters will sound bigger and tighter. The 50 watters have always sounded a bit squishier and browner to me. Not better or worse, just a bit different. I prefer the 100 watters because they sound so damn big. Yeah it doesn't quite have all that much gain on it's own. Funny thing is, if you crank it to 10, you MAY not need a boost... or a very minimal amount of boost.

I don't think I could stand this thing on I still have the Hotplate so I know I will use it... I just wish I still had a power amp so I could SLAVE this thing! Then it would rulez my block!
riffy":e92ba said:

Yep, the Rich mod is in it and that is a + in it's favor! I am really diggin' the sound and I think $800 is an extremely fair price for the amp. I am just diggin' the "biggness" of the sound!

Well it sounds great... I'd keep it. You'd at least make the $800 for it if you sold it. I'd get a Hotplate and start experimenting with OD/Boost pedals. My favorites thus far have been the OD808, BB Preamp and the ever-cheap SD-1. I haven't tried the OCD yet... maybe one day I will.

Also, not sure what speakers you were using, but I'd highly recommend GB's. I personally like the cheapie Reissues. They're nice and warm-sounding.
riffy":07862 said:

I don't think I could stand this thing on I still have the Hotplate so I know I will use it... I just wish I still had a power amp so I could SLAVE this thing! Then it would rulez my block!

The slaving works quite well with this amp. I've slaved my SL into the Bogner. It sounds nice, but the Bogner imparts too much of it's own sound on it. Not bad, but it no longer sounds like itself. A good clean power amp may do the trick. Shit, even an SS one would probably work well.
Vrad":dac0a said:

Well it sounds great... I'd keep it. You'd at least make the $800 for it if you sold it. I'd get a Hotplate and start experimenting with OD/Boost pedals. My favorites thus far have been the OD808, BB Preamp and the ever-cheap SD-1. I haven't tried the OCD yet... maybe one day I will.

Also, not sure what speakers you were using, but I'd highly recommend GB's. I personally like the cheapie Reissues. They're nice and warm-sounding.

That is what is in the cab I have now. The cheapo greenies. I just LOVE greenies no matter where they are made. I grew up playing and listening to greenbacks and their sound is just indelibly printed on my brain!

I was talking to Adam about the BB and the OCD both, I am not sure which to try. I can only get one if I get one Gotta make a good choice the first time!
riffy":f0601 said:

That is what is in the cab I have now. The cheapo greenies. I just LOVE greenies no matter where they are made. I grew up playing and listening to greenbacks and their sound is just indelibly printed on my brain!

I was talking to Adam about the BB and the OCD both, I am not sure which to try. I can only get one if I get one Gotta make a good choice the first time!

Yup... Those GB's sound great in a great cab paired with my SL or just about any Marshall for that matter.

Not sure about how the OCD sounds, but the BB is great. It's VERY transparent. It DOESN'T tighten up the amp. It's NOT aggressive-sounding in that there's still the same kind of sag and compression that I usually get from my SL. It sounds very natural. Very smooth and classy. Sustains and feeds back perfectly. It's very warm and pleasant-sounding.
Vrad":74ade said:

Yup... Those GB's sound great in a great cab paired with my SL or just about any Marshall for that matter.

Not sure about how the OCD sounds, but the BB is great. It's VERY transparent. It DOESN'T tighten up the amp. It's NOT aggressive-sounding in that there's still the same kind of sag and compression that I usually get from my SL. It sounds very natural. Very smooth and classy. Sustains and feeds back perfectly. It's very warm and pleasant-sounding.

That describes what I heard on your clips of the Marshall and the BB perfectly. From what I understand, as I have never played one or heard it yet, that the OCD does is make the amp a bit more aggressive. Be nice to have one of each on the ole pedalboard!

I dig the sag and compression in the amp when it gets turned up. It sags but it ain't mushy sounding to me. I wanna KEEP that part. It just "feels"
good to play.
riffy":2cf3e said:

That describes what I heard on your clips of the Marshall and the BB perfectly. From what I understand, as I have never played one or heard it yet, that the OCD does is make the amp a bit more aggressive. Be nice to have one of each on the ole pedalboard!

I dig the sag and compression in the amp when it gets turned up. It sags but it ain't mushy sounding to me. I wanna KEEP that part. It just "feels"
good to play.

I'm sure either the OCD or the BB would kill... Since you alredy have the OD808, I'd get the BB. Perhaps a BB and an SD-1. I know it sounds funny, but the SD-1 works very very well with this amp IMO. I've gone back and listened to my clips with the SD-1 and loved the tone I got. At low volumes, I tend to prefer an OD pedal with my SL. When cranked, I seem to really like the BB. The OD's get too ice-picky and in-your-face, where as the BB just sounds 'right'.
Vrad":754ab said:

I'm sure either the OCD or the BB would kill... Since you alredy have the OD808, I'd get the BB. Perhaps a BB and an SD-1. I know it sounds funny, but the SD-1 works very very well with this amp IMO. I've gone back and listened to my clips with the SD-1 and loved the tone I got. At low volumes, I tend to prefer an OD pedal with my SL. When cranked, I seem to really like the BB. The OD's get too ice-picky and in-your-face, where as the BB just sounds 'right'.

I am gonna have to find a place that has like a 30 day return policy and order both of those pedals and see which one I like best. That is all there is too it!

That is my problem with the SD-1's they do get really spiky in the high end for me when I am running a bit of volume, not just cranked but a good bit.

I need to start surfing places And ya know what is really funny? For a long time, I refused to use a boost at all with any amp.
I hated the noise they added. Course then, I was pushing a LOT of gain
from the pedal
riffy":e05bb said:

I am gonna have to find a place that has like a 30 day return policy and order both of those pedals and see which one I like best. That is all there is too it!

That is my problem with the SD-1's they do get really spiky in the high end for me when I am running a bit of volume, not just cranked but a good bit.

I need to start surfing places And ya know what is really funny? For a long time, I refused to use a boost at all with any amp.
I hated the noise they added. Course then, I was pushing a LOT of gain
from the pedal

That's really the best thing to do... Try them both... shit try just about every OD/Boost pedal you can get your hands on. I did that... Turns out most of them are long on hype and short on good tone... LOL! :D

Yeah I use the SD-1 and the OD808 at low volumes, but cranked, I use the BB. I get some extra noise, but it's to be expected. It's not that bad IMO.
Vrad said:

That's really the best thing to do... Try them both... shit try just about every OD/Boost pedal you can get your hands on. I did that... Turns out most of them are long on hype and short on good tone... LOL! :D


Truer words were never spoken. There is so much hype, it simply boggles my mind... I truly mean it too!
lamppost":c9b1d said:
Sounded really good man! Dig the tone you've got going on. I'd pick her up if I were you.

Thank you man! I am really giving picking this one up a LOT of thought!
I really appreciate your listening man!
Buy it! As far as the SD-1 goes, consider a keeley-modded SD-1. I just picked up a Maxon SD-9 which I dig a lot for tube screamery strat sounds. But the keeley sd-1 works great to either tighten up a cranked amp, or as a standalone OD into a clean or cleanish amp.

The BB is cool but it was a little too polite to me. Although it has a lot of range in its controls...more than most pedals. So maybe I just didn't work it out enough. I've only had the first version OCD which is kinda scoopy and harsh, but later versions are supposed to fix that.

Who did that massive OD shootout thread...was it Chubtone? That's worth a visit/revisit to compare some OD's.
riffy":bd891 said:
Vrad":bd891 said:

That's really the best thing to do... Try them both... shit try just about every OD/Boost pedal you can get your hands on. I did that... Turns out most of them are long on hype and short on good tone... LOL! :D


Truer words were never spoken. There is so much hype, it simply boggles my mind... I truly mean it too!

It's crazy... borders on absurd... I mean really how many different ways can you re-make a Range Master? Or a Tubescreamer? It's a bunch of snake-oil if you ask me. Like Ratter said, the BB is polite. That's why I keep a nastier-sounding OD around. BTW, the Keeley SD-1 is a nice pedal. I've played around with one into a 2203 for a few weeks. It's even meaner than the stock SD-1.
ratter":4d5ff said:
Buy it! As far as the SD-1 goes, consider a keeley-modded SD-1. I just picked up a Maxon SD-9 which I dig a lot for tube screamery strat sounds. But the keeley sd-1 works great to either tighten up a cranked amp, or as a standalone OD into a clean or cleanish amp.

The BB is cool but it was a little too polite to me. Although it has a lot of range in its controls...more than most pedals. So maybe I just didn't work it out enough. I've only had the first version OCD which is kinda scoopy and harsh, but later versions are supposed to fix that.

Who did that massive OD shootout thread...was it Chubtone? That's worth a visit/revisit to compare some OD's.

Thanks bro! I am honestly really leaning towards just buying this thing!
I don't wanna scoop this thing out. I will have to make sure I try the newest OCD then. I really need to look up the OD shootout that Chubtone did then! That will be a HUGE help!!! Thank you!
Vrad":cfc5a said:
riffy":cfc5a said:

It's crazy... borders on absurd... I mean really how many different ways can you re-make a Range Master? Or a Tubescreamer? It's a bunch of snake-oil if you ask me. Like Ratter said, the BB is polite. That's why I keep a nastier-sounding OD around. BTW, the Keeley SD-1 is a nice pedal. I've played around with one into a 2203 for a few weeks. It's even meaner than the stock SD-1.

I have a Keeley compressor. I am gonna stick that bad boy in front of it and see what happens! As long as it doesn't lose too much attack, I can't afford to lose ANY attack as lightly as I

Yeah, and you are completely correct. There are only so many ways to do OD without stepping into fuzz. I have VERY little use for a fuzz pedal. Some people sound great with a fuzz, I am NOT one of them!
riffy":d7159 said:

Thanks bro! I am honestly really leaning towards just buying this thing!
I don't wanna scoop this thing out. I will have to make sure I try the newest OCD then. I really need to look up the OD shootout that Chubtone did then! That will be a HUGE help!!! Thank you!

I thought the clip sounded great with the 808 myself. I love the BB preamp but like ratter said its polite. Depends what your looking for that could be good or bad. The AC booster is less polite and sounds good, but I would pick the BB preamp over the AC booster if I could have just one. I think Vlad did a comparison clip of the the BB and the Maxon808 when he first got the BB preamp. I think I remember that. I would check those out because they were through his super lead.
Gainfreak":590ac said:
Me Likey !!!

What the heck were you tuned to bro... Hell Minor? :D:D

More please!!

Thanks bro! Hell minor! Hilarious!!!! :D That was a Washburn 7 string that I picked up for $99! I stuck a Dimarzio Blaze Custom in the neck of.
I did drop the low B to A... That was

I am going to try some 80's style tracks with it later this week when I get the time and see how it takes to those on recordings. I really need the boost with it to get it there though. On it's own it doesn't have the gain to get there. I think I may have to scoop out a bit in the mid department as this amp has 'em in spades! Will most def need to up the treble and presence too!

Now, when do I get to hear you and the Cameron stuffz??? This would be a good head to send to Mark!!!!!!!!!