Whats Doug got in his rack?

SgtThump":266dd said:

Mark was working for Standel when I first met him online around 5 or 6 years ago (something like that.)

I know in an interview about the Dio "Killing the Dragon" CD, Doug said he used the Suhr modded Marshalls for rhythms and Mark's amps for leads and alternate rhythm tones. But live, I'm just not sure. I've seen people imply that Doug uses nothing but the Suhrs or Camerons live, but I dunno.

Going by the tones i can get with my Cameron JMP Aldrich mod, with the same type cab as Doug and the PQ-3.. i can almost guarantee that its the Cameron mainly for leads when he plays live! The Cameron has a certain sound in the mids that i cannot explain but it is so unique, nothing else can cop that tone!

I saw that interview too Chris, and Doug also told me a bit about that Marshall that Martin modded for him. He said it was mainly for rhythms now and some leads, but he used it quite extensively on his solo CDs: Highcentred and Electrovision. The Cameron was used on Electrovision also.

Hope that helps!
Chubtone":d638e said:
Dougs been using that Furman PQ-3 for 20+ years with his Marshalls. It's amazing what one of those run in front of a stock Marshall or Boogie will do to the gain. If you run into the low input and raise the input level that thing is probably the best "OD pedal" or "boost" ever!
Absolutely Curt!!! Someone needs to rip one of those things open and make a pedal out of it, That would DESTROY!!!..

Scott Ians Beard":e5b44 said:
Dan, KAGE or whoever knows,

What is he using the SE-50/70 for? I wouldnt guess it would be delays with that SDE... Im in the market for a decent multi-fx (see my quadraverb thread here http://www.rig-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15140)

Actually, it is for delay! Remember, the SE70 and the Roland SDE are wired up to the line mixer together. The SDE is set to a mono modulated delay at 28ms for ambience and chorusing.. and then the signal from that goes through the SE70 and is set for a long wide stereo delay.

The SE70 is a pretty good unit for multi FX, Doug and many others have used them for years with great results!
STEEL KAGE":cd58d said:
:|::QBB: Absolutely Curt!!! Someone needs to rip one of those things open and make a pedal out of it, That would DESTROY!!!..


Doug was eluding on his site that he is working on a pedal that in his words "would replace the PQ in his rack".

He had no other details.
TOStudent":712f4 said:

Doug was eluding on his site that he is working on a pedal that in his words "would replace the PQ in his rack".

He had no other details.

I saw that too man, but im thinking it will be a pedal that has the frequencies he uses on the PQ-3, pre set in the pedal. I could be wrong though! Im just thinking, because it seems he has used the same PQ-3 settings for like over 10years!
MrDan666":5a71a said:

I saw that too man, but im thinking it will be a pedal that has the frequencies he uses on the PQ-3, pre set in the pedal. I could be wrong though! Im just thinking, because it seems he has used the same PQ-3 settings for like over 10years!

It must be pretty good for Doug to be considering dropping the PQ from his rack to use it.

I would like to check it out whatever it is when he announces it.
TOStudent":d3b10 said:

It must be pretty good for Doug to be considering dropping the PQ from his rack to use it.

I would like to check it out whatever it is when he announces it.

Me too man!! :thumbsup:

It would be handy to have as a pedal when i cant bring my rack gear out with me!