Good Cabinet Choice for Splawn Pro Stock


New member
I just won Splawn Pro Stock off of an eBay Auction.

I am getting ready to order a cabinet and I am looking at the Genz Benz GB212GFLEX Ported Guitar Cabinet 2x12 which seems like a good cabinet. However for about $300 less I can get a full Marshall MG412B Straight Guitar Speaker Cabinet 4x12 Inch 120 Watt.

Can anybody give me input as to any tonal differences in these cabinets, low end, tight response and how well either works with the Splawn amp's.
best bang for the buck in cabinets is Avatar.

Splawn cabs are damned nice and priced pretty good.

for something you can get at GC or order, B-52 cabs with V-30 are pretty good bang for buck.

ttosh":d41b1 said:
What are the best Marshall Cabinets in everyones opinion?

Don't skimp on the cabinet with the Splawn, get something that will bring out the best in it.

Get a Splawn if you can, but if you are dead set on a Marshall get at least a 1960A at minimum IMO.
Seriously, check out the Krank cabs. The all-wood, oversize cabs are very clear, even on the low lows of my A drop 7 string.
I didn't think it would be possible to hear the difference between a heavy particle board constructed cab and wood, but I was quite surprised at how much better these cabs sound than anything else I've tried. I have a 412 and a 212.