JVM vs. Cameron modded 1959SLP Reissue...


Well-known member
Your review is too even-handed and will not achieve the level of flaming I'd anticipated. Please revise.

I owned a Deliverance and a JMP with the HG Jose mod at the same time. To me, the VHT was thicker while the Cameron was jucier and more lively. Both great amps but I didn't really feel that they sounded similar.


Glad to hear that the JVM is still holding it's own!!!! Especially in comparison to what many consider the Holy Grail of Marshall tone........

There's a certain "bark" that the Cameron high gain (Aldrich) mod has that does remind me a little bit of the bark my D60 has.
Yep, same one. Of course it's also possible that I'm just remembering incorrectly. I guess the main thing was that they "felt" different. Also, the Cameron had waayyy more gain.

'63-Strat":eeef1 said:
Your review is too even-handed and will not achieve the level of flaming I'd anticipated. Please revise.


Agreed...how do expect to have this thread go 36 pages ? Please add a politicaly incorrect comment or two. :thumbsup:
* velcro-fly *":81c59 said:

Agreed...how do expect to have this thread go 36 pages ? Please add a politicaly incorrect comment or two. :thumbsup:
I thought the JVM felt/sounded like a toy compared to my Jose's. :yes:
carlygtr56":cfe63 said:

Funny how it doesn't translate to your clips :confused:
Yeah, you know what's even funnier? Velcro-Fly and I made a bet before I posted that comment, on how long it was going to take for you to respond to it like the sissy cunt you are. We were talking the other night too about how long it would be until bad Carl returned. I think I guessed 2 two weeks. I guess I was wrong. Steve won the first bet by the way. I said 20 minutes, he bet an hour. :lol: :lol: :lol:
J.B.":27692 said:
:|::QBB:Yeah, you know what's even funnier? Velcro-Fly and I made a bet before I posted that comment, on how long it was going to take for you to respond to it like the sissy cunt you are. We were talking the other night too about how long it would be until bad Carl returned. I think I guessed 2 two weeks. I guess I was wrong. Steve won the first bet by the way. I said 20 minutes, he bet an hour. :lol: :lol: :lol:

dude, you're full of shit , I said 20 minutes, you said an hour :lol: You even gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Watch, his kid Vince is going to show up any minute to give him some support.

Steve E
* velcro-fly *":e2cd2 said:

dude, you're full of shit , I said 20 minutes, you said an hour :lol: You even gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Watch, his kid Vince is going to show up any minute to give him some support.

Steve E
LMAO!! You're right!!!! :lol: Ooooooh noooo, not Vince!!! :aww:
carlygtr56":f2af8 said:

Like I said, your clips don't bear out your claims.
The pathetic Little Wing clip especially.
Nice cement mixer guitar in that one :lol:

bet? I bet neither of you know a whole song
Don't you have any new material at all Carl? You allways say the same things time after time. Can't you think of anything else to say? Yeah, I suck and have terrible tone, bla bla bla. Anything new?

Pretty god damn funny how you get so bent out of shape when somebody says something bad about the JVM. :lol: :lol: Even better when you take the bait like you did. :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:
I'll defintely say J.B's clips sound a helluva lot better than the JVM's I've tried. I really don't like either of the new Marshall's. Too much sizzle not enough bark.
carlygtr56":f1974 said:

I simply listened to your clips and they sucked cock. No bait required.
Give me a shout when you can play a whole tune :lol: :lol:
Again, same old stuff. Face it Carl, the JVM isn't in the same caliber as the Cameron stuff. I know you're anti-Cameron because he told you to go screw yourself, but maybe he'll let you buy one of his production amps if you're a good boy.