Soldano Avenger vs. VHT Deliverance 120 for Modern Metal


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I know there is one on here maybe f/s clue what's gonna happen with that ....I gotta know since I've only tried a CLX briefly....which is better for modern Metal? The Avenger is awesome and has the depth mod which gives it killer bottom end . It also takes to boosts and has some thickness but also clear and punchy...

I know the VHT has Kt-88's for great headroom for a detuned mofo like me.

Anyway listen to my clip and tell me if the VHT will do this type of thingy please. It's boosted with a TS-808 type of pedal:

Thanks for any input..I love the Soldano.......but perhaps the VHT has a more modern vibe? I read mixed reviews on it...some love it...some say it is too thin?
The Avenger is essentially just a single-channel SLO, and those aren't really a modern metal type of thing--especially for the chugga-chugga type of stuff. It can do it, but I think the Deliverance would be more up your alley.
Fl00":8cdd2 said:
The Avenger is essentially just a single-channel SLO, and those aren't really a modern metal type of thing--especially for the chugga-chugga type of stuff. It can do it, but I think the Deliverance would be more up your alley.
Advice taken, digested and executed!!
Fl00":800d3 said:
The Avenger is essentially just a single-channel SLO, and those aren't really a modern metal type of thing--especially for the chugga-chugga type of stuff. It can do it, but I think the Deliverance would be more up your alley.
Tell Joel Strozel of Killswitch Engage that. I'm sure he'll have a lot to tell you :D
CaseyCor":8c07f said:
Tell Joel Strozel of Killswitch Engage that. I'm sure he'll have a lot to tell you :D

Ya don't say? What are you saying? The VHT can't do Metal or the Soldano does it well?

No matta......I have made me decision.......where's Steve VHT to tell me atta-boy for going VHT?!! :thumbsup: ;)
CaseyCor":36bbc said:
Tell Joel Strozel of Killswitch Engage that. I'm sure he'll have a lot to tell you :D

Oh, I know he does it (and I like the tone), I'm just saying he'd probably get more use out of the VHT.

It really comes down to this:

Avenger = squishy
VHT = tight

choose whichever one you like :)
Fl00":394ca said:

Oh, I know he does it (and I like the tone), I'm just saying he'd probably get more use out of the VHT.

It really comes down to this:

Avenger = squishy
VHT = tight

choose whichever one you like :)
Thats very true. VHT=As tight as a 13 year old girls vagina.

Both are great amps, it just depends on what exactly your looking for. They could both do metal quite well, it just comes down to personal preference. They both have vastly different voicings.