JVM vs. Cameron modded 1959SLP Reissue...

im glad to see that some amps will be in people hands in august, how many can we expect to see, about 5 or more or will you be in full blown production, mark im very excited about your amps, and after the first batch will you just keep'em coming or do you anticipate any delays.
zao":049e4 said:
Unless a dealer has a new cameron or somebody sells one used I won't be getting one, I will not send 1200 and wait possibly 6 months, but I think the amp will kick ass and like all amps I will find one used.

If some people are saying that the JVM is in the same ballpark as the Cameron why would you want one anyways?
I trust Mark and Chris that if I gave them $1200 I would either get an amp or my money back. Unlike some of the posters here I have met both and they are great guys, Mark would not take my money to mod an amp until he heard from the builder that it was ok. That does not sound like a guy looking to screw people.

Chris is also very close to alot of us location wise if that helps anyone.
I still want to try one of these camerons because I have a feeling they will sound much better than any jvm. I talked to jb and he's got camerons and he played the jvm and he said the cameron is much better, that's why.

I have no doubts about mark and chris delivering the amps, mark may be a little slow but he does great work from what I hear in jb's clips. I hope mark gets a lot of the amps built as soon as possible because I'm very interested in them. Someday I would love to get my uber modded by him.
zao":b40d5 said:
I still want to try one of these camerons because I have a feeling they will sound much better than any jvm. I talked to jb and he's got camerons and he played the jvm and he said the cameron is much better, that's why.

I have no doubts about mark and chris delivering the amps, mark may be a little slow but he does great work from what I hear in jb's clips. I hope mark gets a lot of the amps built as soon as possible because I'm very interested in them. Someday I would love to get my uber modded by him.

JB has the new Cameron? I thought he had mod'd Marshalls?

I am hearing different things from guys that have played the new Cameron, just saying.

I want a Cameron badly but need more recording gear :cry:
Jb's camerons are modded marshalls and he has not played the new ones. I'm the kinda person that has to try stuff for myself but I've really been excited about these amps so I don't mind forking out a few bucks to get one and see for myself.
I'm sure it kicks ass.
Mark Cameron":1660c said:

If you don't think that the amps will come out on time.........So what. Who are you ? You don't even know me. You want to believe what people post who are not involved and or just trolls fucking around. You don't know what my life has been like the last few years. People who need to know....know.There are good reasons why amps are late. My customers know the reasons too....do they like it ....NO But I don't like it ither(sp?). But it was out of my control. Most of the amps that where done when I had a weired brain infection that I didnt know I had till I could'nt remember things from some of my mods to.. what I just said to someone (the doctors don't know how or why but its gone now).Also its just me doing all of the mods Iv had no help. If you think Iv made allot of money doing this you are wrong! So when I have health problems I have to go to County USC(shitty hospital with a wait of over 12 hours :thumbsdown: )

When the amps come out in Aug, I hope you like it...If you don't... Tell me. Then we can talk about some real stuff not Internet bullshit!

Thanks for posting this Mark. Im sorry you have been through so much crap and Im glad you are better. Since it was my post that he was responding to that kinda started this I wanted to say Im sorry if it made you mad. Thats said... I didnt find the people's posts to be trolls. Some of these people were well known board members. To me it just sounded like frustrated customers who wanted thier amps moded and werent getting answers as to why they werent being done for long periods of time, so from our perspective of things it didnt look good, hence my trepidation.

Thanks for taking the time to deal with the internet bullshit and give your side.

I will own one of your amps at some point.

Good luck with the new business venture and again thanks for clearing up some things by sharing your personal life. I can understand how you would want to keep such things to yourself but sometimes it needs to be known by your customers.
Hi Mark ,

Thanks for your reply .

First I would like to clear a few things up .

The only issue I have had was no follow up communication from you or Chris that's pretty much it .

I was concerned that I would be on some waiting list for an unknown amount of time , and that I would never have much communication regarding the matter . There was never any real question about you being dishonest or anything like that . Yes , Mark I have never met you , but I have heard very good things about your work and never heard anyone claiming to be ripped off . I was never EVER concered about anything like that .

Please understand I have no issue waiting for a great amp , hell it took over 8 months to get the Diezel VH4 that I was told would arrive in a few months , so this is certainly understandable , and sometimes happens . It sucks sometimes , but what are ya gonna do ? Great things are worth waiting for .

Once again ... my only issue was that I was somewhat concerned when I didn't receive any follow up to my messages to you and a few emails to Chris that were not answered .
That's really it . and I guess I am guilty of believing things I have read on forums and i should not always . I apologize for that I truly do .

Mark I know you are very busy , although If you are able to respond more often and improve communication I really beleive people would truly understand if there were delays . I know I would .

I am sorry to hear of your past health issues , but am glad to know you are now doing well . I am a cancer survivor myself ( I'm 36 ) so I know that when somethings happen everything else in life stops .

I'll say it again Mark I wish you and Chris great success , and I would love to own a Cameron Amp in the future .

Take care , and good luck !


Sometimes people tend to beleive
I guess I'm lucky enough to have played a JVM, Mark's new amp, and a Cameron modded Marshall. The modded Marshall is the one AMplifire got from Chubtone. All 3 are really nice amps. I would pick Mark's new amp because i really liked how it sounded and i would prefer it over an older modded Marshall.

I still like the JVM but Mark's new amp sounds more, what's the word I'm looking for, more natural. It sounded very crunchy, open, and still plenty of aggression. The clean tones were incredible and the gain tones cleaned up really well. Build quality is not even worth discussing as the new Cameron looks like a tank and the JVM has a flimsy feel to it.

And Carl, I've heard your entire collection of insults, please don't post until you get some new material. But i should be on your ignore list anyway right?
I think it's a little unfair to compare a JVM to a Cameron for obvious reasons. That being said I also agree with Carl about an amp sounding really bad or really good depending on the player. Too many discount the impact of the human side of it and concentrate solely on the electronic side of things. IMO of course. It's very easy to get caught up in that mode of thinking and it's damn fun to try all this stuff out. :hurray:

A hand built, cost no object amp vs a mass produced, built to a price point Marshall. Seems to me that if the Cameron didn't sound better I'd be getting my money back from Mark.

On another note....wow Sgt you really have a killer set up now....I'm jealous...but happy for you at the same time. :thumbsup:
"Anyway , I wish you both great success , and I hope to own one sometime in the future . do you know if the price will be higher or the same through a dealer ?"

Not sure of the details yet but the prices through the dealers will most likely be higher.
Chris Schmidt":a4654 said:
Not sure of the details yet but the prices through the dealers will most likely be higher.

So the initial waiting list customers will get their amps at $2400 and then the amps will only be available through dealers at a higher price and not available direct at all?
Chubtone":30e95 said:

So the initial waiting list customers will get their amps at $2400 and then the amps will only be available through dealers at a higher price and not available direct at all?

Hey man good to hear from you.

Well the details are not worked all the way out but something like that. We'll have to discuss in greater detail as we get closer. How's things with Squid??

SgtThump":4ce61 said:

I know that's the case on the Dio "Killing the Dragon" CD, because I read an interview with Doug where he said that. But did he use that same setup live on the Dio "Evil or Divine" DVD?

ahhh Chris! Good point. I believe that that was still the case, but you're causing me to doubt myself now!!!! :doh: :doh: :scared:
SgtThump":9df26 said:
Everyone should try both the JVM and a Cameron modded Marshall (or his new line) and make the comparison themselves. I'm just saying that both amps produce high quality "booteek" sounding Marshall tones. They are in the same ballpark, but I'm not saying they sound exactly the same.

My Cameron is more aggressive and "heavy" sounding, while the JVM is slightly more refined with a little less punch. YMMV

I don't see myself getting rid of the Cameron anytime soon. I keep thinking about selling the JVM, but can't bring myself to do it. It's a freaking killer amp that's perfect for my cover band, so I'd be kinda dumb to sell it right now. It's just those damn knobs and buttons that bug me.



My Cameron's a "personalized" mod that Mark did in 1997. IMHO, the Cameron's more "organic" and 3D sounding. The JVM's it's own beast, but has a very similary voicing to the Cameron heads I own and have owned. BOTH are keepers.