SD-1 boosted JMP100 and Axe-FX comparison clip.


New member
I did this the quick and easy Like always.
I have the Axe-Fx dialed in to sound like the SD-1 boosted
JMP 100 watter I think. The Axe-Fx is on the left side of the
mix and the SD-1 boosted Marshall is on the right side.

I set up the Marshall for a tone "I" like... The tried to match
it with the Axe-Fx running through the effects input on the
Marshall utilizing it's power amp only. I think it got pretty
darned close. I wonder if you guys do?

This is a rhythm only clip. Please excuse the horrible bass
playing and sound!!!!!!!

If you think it sucks, please free to say so, just let me know why you
think so please!

Sounded a bit cardboardy and fizzy to me? :confused: I thought the left and right sides sounded pretty similar, though...
hey guys,
Thanks! The little Marshall 1x12 just ain't doin' the trick then. I loaned my 4x12 to a friend for a gig this weekend and got his 1x12 with a Vintage 30 in it to use in the meantime. Just guess I will have to try recording it differently...

Thanks much though!
BTW, it's pretty scary how close the Axe-Fx can get when it comes to simulating different amps. While they sound similar, do they feel similar?
Code001":d73e0 said:
BTW, it's pretty scary how close the Axe-Fx can get when it comes to simulating different amps. While they sound similar, do they feel similar?

+1 on that question. I'm curious how good it sounds considering how expensive it is compared to other modelers out there.
Code001":29be1 said:
BTW, it's pretty scary how close the Axe-Fx can get when it comes to simulating different amps. While they sound similar, do they feel similar?

Well, in a word, yes. You can adjust power amp sag and the like in the
Axe-Fx as well, so you can simulate direct what you hear and feel in
another amp quite well to be honest. Here though, since I used the
Marshall's power-amp, it was extremely close in feel as well, if not pretty
identical since the Marshall was boosted.

It is honestly quite an amazing unit all around!
The two tracks sound very close in sound overall with the Axe-FX track being louder in the mix, with more upper mids, and possibly more gain/distortion.
Didn't sound either cardboardy or fizzy to me through my computer speakers (They're Yamaha yst-m10's I've had since the mid 90's and really love them ) .. ANyway, sounded great to me, and similar possibly to the cardboard/fizzy tones I dial in for myself on my amps! :)

(Copied and pasted from what I already said on the Axe FX forum and HRI):

They sound pretty damn close. The problem for me is that (at least on my computer speakers) the Axe FX side is much louder than the Marshall's and it seems to be a little brighter as well. A more balanced mix and less treble on the Axe FX and they would probably be indistinguishable.

I've been on the Axe FX waiting list for almost 2 months now and I can't wait to get it. :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of the Axe-FX to be a better version of what Line 6 is doing? If you are recording through an amp with a mic on it, it's just a preamp into a power amp right. At that point there are tons of great sounding tube preamps available for less than this unit.

The direct recordings of this unit on their website don't have me wanting to sell my Pod Xt anytime soon and it's not like I'm married to that Pod.
Chubtone":4b8c7 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of the Axe-FX to be a better version of what Line 6 is doing? If you are recording through an amp with a mic on it, it's just a preamp into a power amp right. At that point there are tons of great sounding tube preamps available for less than this unit.

The direct recordings of this unit on their website don't have me wanting to sell my Pod Xt anytime soon and it's not like I'm married to that Pod.

No. The whole point of the Axe-Fx is to be a very clean multi-effects unit that sounds natural and has effects that are just as good as Eventide, yet has the ease of use of a G-Force. The cab and amp sims are just thrown in there for good measure.
Code001":6c612 said:

No. The whole point of the Axe-Fx is to be a very clean multi-effects unit that sounds natural and has effects that are just as good as Eventide, yet has the ease of use of a G-Force. The cab and amp sims are just thrown in there for good measure.

OK, thanks. I keep hoping someone will make the perfect direct recording unit and when I first heard of this unit I got the impression this was going to be it. Thanks for setting me straight on it.
It can easily be used like that, but Cliff wants it to be known as a multi-effects unit first from what I've read.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.... The Axe-Fx is designed to be both the quintessential effects processor AND modeler. I just hate using the term modeler because it has a negative connotation due to the low-quality products that use that name.

You can plug your guitar straight in and go straight to the board and get the sound AND feel of a cranked tube rig.

The amp modeling wasn't an afterthought or just thrown in there. Three years or R&D went into the amp and cab simulations and they are extremely accurate.

There you go, straight from the designer. I could have sworn I heard it was an effects unit first, though (on HRI). Either way, nice to see you pop in here. :cool:
OH yeah,
Cliff is straight up! I don't call it modeler either. I love the effects, they are some of the cleanest and most transparent effects I have ever used or heard to be honest.

But the bread and butter for me is the amp and cab part. I have CLONED my old 2 channel Dual Rectifier with the Axe-FX. I am closing in on this Marshalls sound now and if I reduce the presence, I think I totally have it nailed.

I still have a couple of clips I did when I had a Mark IIC+ and am going to try and start matching those as well. I am really going to have to do that going direct though as I don't have that type power-amp now though.

I have also cloned my Vibrolux as well to where "I" don't know which is which to be completely honest.
This does really solve recording direct to board, recorder, computer or what have you IMHO. I know others that have tried the Axe-FX will completely agree with me as well.

how would a bbe sound with that gary? my old rack rig consisted of a pod pro+bbe+mesa 20/20. I'm cosidering the axefx in a similar setup.
riffy":82983 said:
I still have a couple of clips I did when I had a Mark IIC+ and am going to try and start matching those as well.....

That would be great. I've been waiting to hear some Mesa Mark tones with the Axe FX from you for over 6 months (I requested some from you a couple of times on HRI).