OT: What Screen Resolution Does Everyone Run?

What Screen Resolution Do You Run?

  • 640x480

    Votes: 69 100.0%
  • 800x600

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1024x768

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1280x1024

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1600x1280

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
defpearlpilot":8045d said:
What is this magic 1600 x 1280 resolution? :lol:

If I had two monitors that size, I probably would not have gotten my 30" screen. I did consider getting two 1920X1200 monitors.

Proof that it's a resolution since everyone keeps bitching:


I have enough data anyway so it's no big deal. Thanks for voting guys. :cool:

This thing is badass![/img]
OS X FTW. Dell FTL. BTW, you like your dock on the left hand side?

Also, I see Dashboard in your dock. That takes up quite a bit of memory. If you don't use it, use this command in the terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES

Change the boolean from YES to NO if you want the dashboard back. :)
Code001":0249e said:
OS X FTW. Dell FTL. BTW, you like your dock on the left hand side?

Also, I see Dashboard in your dock. That takes up quite a bit of memory. If you don't use it, use this command in the terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES

Change the boolean from YES to NO if you want the dashboard back. :)

There is supposed to be some bye bye dashboard thing that you can download but that looks a lot easier.

I don't know what FTW and FTL mean. :confused:
The Applescript document will also work, but that just kills it once it's closed out. The thing I listed kills it for good and it won't be enabled at all unless you re-type in that command and change the boolean to NO. I like the command line way because I never use the Dashboard. You might prefer the Applescript command. If so, open up your Applescript Maker and type in the following:

tell application "Dock"
end tell

FTW = For The Win
FTL = For The Lose
Code001":416a8 said:
The Applescript document will also work, but that just kills it once it's closed out. The thing I listed kills it for good and it won't be enabled at all unless you re-type in that command and change the boolean to NO. I like the command line way because I never use the Dashboard. You might prefer the Applescript command. If so, open up your Applescript Maker and type in the following:

tell application "Dock"
end tell

FTW = For The Win
FTL = For The Lose

Ah, I tried to find it on an acronym website.

Either way, dell monitors kick ass.
shredhead666":a1288 said:

Pfft, n00b. I use dual 35" widescreens at work. :) Turn them both vertical and run them side by side. It rules.

Where did you find 35" widescreens? I gotta call BS on this. If they were on the market, I would have gotten one for home. 30" was the biggest I could find.

I'd love to eventually get two. One for my audio tracks and one for my mix.

How's Google treating you?