Voodooamps Hex mod (Marshall JMP 2204) (take 2 with better mic)


Active member
So I got a Shure SM57 and recorded the same song for comparson. This is actually my very first take with this setup so bear with me. It should sound much more defined in the high end.

I tried the clip with headphones and it sounds much less punchy than my studio monitors but im sure some tweaking can help that.

It's quite a bit better. Still too boomy for my tastes, but a lot better. I think it sounds kinda buzzy too. The distortion seems harsh, but I think you can fix that by moving the mic around.
Yeah its got some boom going on for sure, im not sure where thats coming from, I couldn't hear that in the room at all. Wierd.
Megadeth7684":66188 said:
I still think it's too boomy, but the tone is definitely better than the other clip IMO.

Thats good to hear... I think. Needs some double tracking and whatnot but this is much more clear. :o
Code001":c5d88 said:
It's quite a bit better. Still too boomy for my tastes, but a lot better. I think it sounds kinda buzzy too. The distortion seems harsh, but I think you can fix that by moving the mic around.

I had it straight on the center of the cone, which I figure is as good a starting point as any.

Thanks for listening fellas. :)
redrol":5122a said:

Thats good to hear... I think. Needs some double tracking and whatnot but this is much more clear. :o

Just cut back on the bass/resonance and double track that and it should sound real good. Maybe dial the gain back a touch if you double track it as well.
redrol":19e5f said:

I had it straight on the center of the cone, which I figure is as good a starting point as any.

Thanks for listening fellas. :)

move the mic to the edge of the cone...itll help with the buzzies :) i didnt find it too boomy at all myself. probably a difference in speakers and sub settings?
Megadeth7684":c7a74 said:

Just cut back on the bass/resonance and double track that and it should sound real good. Maybe dial the gain back a touch if you double track it as well.

Yeah that might do. This reminds me, i dropped the gain to 12 o clock or 50% and engaged Savage mode which is the last gain stage (I think).
soc_monki":9c036 said:

move the mic to the edge of the cone...itll help with the buzzies :) i didnt find it too boomy at all myself. probably a difference in speakers and sub settings?

The palm mutes come through pretty loud on my sub, with a bass track it wouldn't be cool.
redrol":7475e said:

The palm mutes come through pretty loud on my sub, with a bass track it wouldn't be cool.

ive had mine adjusted a bit on the low side...i turned it up a bit. yea, you would need to cut the bass a bit it you had a bass track on there. but on its own i think its pretty nice :thumbsup:
redrol":13c8f said:
Yeah its got some boom going on for sure, im not sure where thats coming from, I couldn't hear that in the room at all. Wierd.

Remember though, you are not micing the room you are micing a speaker with the relatively small "cone" of hearing that a cardiod mic has. If you want to hear what exactly you are micing, get your ear down on that speaker! Also, in terms of micing, I suggest getting some isolation headphones or some decent ear buds and get down there and move the mic while playing until you get what you want.
Just remember that it doesn`t really matter what it sounds like in the room as that is very rarely a representation of what it sounds like an inch in front of the speaker
gybe!":a0a98 said:

Remember though, you are not micing the room you are micing a speaker with the relatively small "cone" of hearing that a cardiod mic has. If you want to hear what exactly you are micing, get your ear down on that speaker! Also, in terms of micing, I suggest getting some isolation headphones or some decent ear buds and get down there and move the mic while playing until you get what you want.
Just remember that it doesn`t really matter what it sounds like in the room as that is very rarely a representation of what it sounds like an inch in front of the speaker

Thats good advice, im actually going to try and rig up an isolation chamber for my 4x12 and see if I can put more volume through it while listening on my monitors. But obviously earbuds would be super cool too.