j666":0864f said:
MitchSchaft":0837a said:Ahh, so your works put you right with God? The Bible is specific in saying your works mean nothing. You're going to hell.
Mike_V":22a79 said:
-=MYK=-":c45ff said:
j666":cf2a2 said:
Mike_V":a5228 said:
OneArmedScissor":62f47 said::|::QBB:
Yes, you add life with your wealth of knowledge, and Carl sells JVMs with his. You two are perfect for each other. You should really get married and go settle down off in Lala Land together.
j666":d5e60 said:
j666":ee68b said:gotta step out for a smoke. i expect to see some stapleheaded action when i get back.
The Big Snit":c5004 said:Please don't post those pictures.