Just got my Highorder Maximus pickup in today

  • Thread starter Thread starter War Admiral
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War Admiral
War Admiral
New member
I'm putting it in my guitar right now. Beautiful looking pickup. 9.7K single conductor. :D
I'm putting it in this guitar. Right now it has a Duncan Custom/'59 hybrid in it with an A2 mag. The Maximus has an A5 mag. I'm going to hear which one sounds better :)
Very cool :) I've been curious about his pickups as well as the WCR. I might checkout HO first :D

Just got it fired up. Sounds great! Plugged into my little Blues Jr. and wailed for a little while. Nice! Can't wait to plug into the big rig.
War Admiral":e7bbc said:
Just got it fired up. Sounds great! Plugged into my little Blues Jr. and wailed for a little while. Nice! Can't wait to plug into the big rig.

cool man!! clips?? :D

Can you compare it to any other pickup, or is it particularly unique sounding?
I can only comment on the pickups I've used which are: Custom, Custom Custom, Custom/'59 hybrid, JB, Air Zone, Distortion..
.can't think of the rest but it doesn't matter. This pickup does it for me the most. Lots of drive but still retains clarity
and its nice and chewy. The most balanced pickup I ever played. No clips yet because I just put it in. I have a show
coming up in 3 weeks thats is going to be recorded live so I can post some then.
War Admiral":4f0b5 said:
I can only comment on the pickups I've used which are: Custom, Custom Custom, Custom/'59 hybrid, JB, Air Zone, Distortion..
.can't think of the rest but it doesn't matter. This pickup does it for me the most. Lots of drive but still retains clarity
and its nice and chewy. The most balanced pickup I ever played. No clips yet because I just put it in. I have a show
coming up in 3 weeks thats is going to be recorded live so I can post some then.

Awesome man!

I look forward to checkin it out!!! 8)
Hmm, see if ya can help me out here man. I don't really care for the JB in les pauls most of the time because it seems a bit too compressed and high in the mids. But I dig the 59's tone a lot, but wish it had more gain/output. Any idea how the maximus would compare?

The maximus would probably be a bit too dark sounding in a Les Paul. They work really well with guitars with Floyds etc. Fixed bridge guitars with the openess you desire with the '59 vibe would be more of a 8.7K even or asymetrical wind depending how much bite you want on the top end. A fantastic pickup!

You can always shoot the shit with Jeff and he'll head you in the right direction.
4nkam":0987a said:
Hmm, see if ya can help me out here man. I don't really care for the JB in les pauls most of the time because it seems a bit too compressed and high in the mids. But I dig the 59's tone a lot, but wish it had more gain/output. Any idea how the maximus would compare?

If you like the '59 but want more output you should try a SD Custom. It is basically a PAF with a ceramic magnet. About 14.5K output so not super hot but not low output either. :D