I can't tap my foot while playing!! Help :(

Lord Toneking

New member
Ok, my timing is horrendous. I play by ear...always have. I'm tired of having this horrible timing issue but I simply cannot tap my foot, sing, talk, chew gum or anything while playing guitar :aww:

What advice can you give that will help this issue. I mean who can't tap their damn foot while they play?!? :confused: :doh:
You need coordination exercises.

Try swimming. It works for me ;)
I'm dead serious guys :LOL: :LOL:

I am very atheletic and have excelled in many sports. My coordination is better than average actually. I just have -0- rhythm! I can't dance and I seriously can't tap my foot to keep in time. It just sucks! :aww:
Metronome? If it makes you feel any better, I can't talk and play at the same time either.
i have trouble talking and playing too.

but tapping my foot comes easy....always has.

actually, i like to tap both: left/right/left/right/etc

saw clapton doing it during his unplugged, or the tears in heaven vid and adapted it from that.

get a metronome. timing CAN be taught/learned.

just curious...can you sing in key acapallo? when i taught guitar, i'd seen a connection with people that can't sing in key by themselves and those that can't keep timing.
Train yourself. Start with something simple that you can easily play along with (AC/DC's Live Wire or Night Prowler come to mind). Start by tapping your foot to the beat first. After you've got a steady rhythm going, start to play along with it. If you mess up, start over. Rinse & repeat. :dunno:
Not that it will make you feel better but Vai couldn't do it well before he hung with Ry Cooder for the crossroads movie. Ry would tap to everything according to what I read. Hell sucks but I can't either. Ugh
try bobbing your head instead

or stamping your foot instead of tapping

and a combination of head bobbing and tapping

do this while playing standard patterns/ bone simple stuff and take it from there , spend time with a metronome, or drum machine, might bore you to death but can help in the long run

just a thought you can improve your timing without an instrument in your hand, by clapping beats/rhythms or BPM as well
If you don't have a metronome, or something that will perform that function, i'd get one. You may also want to consider applying some drum rudiments to guitar. Ton's of books available.
Metronomes are useless unless you're recording yourself and listening to your performance. Wayne Krantz did a great video on this:

Code001":1hlpan5f said:
Metronomes are useless unless you're recording yourself and listening to your performance. Wayne Krantz did a great video on this:


so, without youtube, 300 years of musicians weren't doing it right? lol

just fuckin with you....i see what you mean in that regard.

use every tool at your disposal, but, if i were to only have one or the other, id take the metronome over the vids any day!
Lord Toneking...you are your own worst critic....i've heard ya play.....you are quite good actually...now my playing???? i suck....i can't tap foot, sing etc while playing either...but at least you sound good when playing...i don't
Lord Toneking":2fkqjv1t said:
[...] I mean who can't tap their damn foot while they play?!? :confused: :doh:

People in wheelchairs, that's who. :scared:

thepylestory":2fkqjv1t said:
Start easy, jerk off with the other hand. :D

Then work your way up to syncing your movements and orgasm to hers, when she's on top. Practice often.

Worked for me. :dunno:
My timing is horrendous if I don't have something or someone (like my band) keeping time for me. I'm ok with that. I can play to clicks or whatever. When I'm recording I do that if I don't have a drum track. As far as improving my timing when I'm playing by myself, I really don't care.
I usually just listen to the tapping noise in my head :LOL: :LOL: , If I tapped both, I would probably fall over :LOL: :LOL: Def practice at tapping your foot more, concentrate on the timing, then just kind of work the guitar into it.
As a drummer masquerading as a guitar player I can tell you that timing is everything. You can be the most amazing soloist in the world but if you can't keep time and play along with others, what good are you? Same thing applies to drummers. The most amazing thing about John Bonham was that he rarely if ever stopped keeping time with his foot on the high-hat even through some pretty tricky fills. The man had impeccable timing and is one of the reasons Led Zeppelin was such a great band, but I digress...

The only time I tap my foot (or stomp with a glare at the drummer) is when the drummer is dragging or all over the place. In other words, if the drummer or something else (metronome) can maintain time for you, you just need to focus on playing along in time. Even if it's setting up a simple click and playing eighth notes on the low e string. Once you get that down, practice accenting the note on different beats (accent on the 2, accent on the 4 etc.) Playing along with the ipod is a good way to practice it as well. So you don't need to be able to tap your foot to play in time. You just need to know the guitar part well enough to focus some of your attention on the timing.
Stramm8":2tdl1fpf said:
As a drummer masquerading as a guitar player I can tell you that timing is everything. You can be the most amazing soloist in the world but if you can't keep time and play along with others, what good are you? Same thing applies to drummers. The most amazing thing about John Bonham was that he rarely if ever stopped keeping time with his foot on the high-hat even through some pretty tricky fills. The man had impeccable timing and is one of the reasons Led Zeppelin was such a great band, but I digress...

The only time I tap my foot (or stomp with a glare at the drummer) is when the drummer is dragging or all over the place. In other words, if the drummer or something else (metronome) can maintain time for you, you just need to focus on playing along in time. Even if it's setting up a simple click and playing eighth notes on the low e string. Once you get that down, practice accenting the note on different beats (accent on the 2, accent on the 4 etc.) Playing along with the ipod is a good way to practice it as well. So you don't need to be able to tap your foot to play in time. You just need to know the guitar part well enough to focus some of your attention on the timing.

this is great, detailed advice that you would benefit from, and would probably see results from immediately!