Front-Load 4x12 Wiring

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Well I got one of the front load cabs off of Brad...and i'm looking to wire it up like the cabs that come loaded from germany (8 ohm mono, 16 ohm stereo). I'm not too experienced at this so do any of you guys have a diagram or maybe gut-shots of the jack wiring? I'll be putting in 4 8ohm vintage 30's. Here's a pic of the jack:


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Positive leads needs to be attached to the tip and negative to the sleeve. The terminal closest to you (or at the end of the barrel) should be positive or the tip and the one closer inward is the sleeve. To be sure stick your speaker cable in the jack and take a meter to the tip of your cable and attach other end to the outside terminal(one closest to you). See if you have continuity, if so you are good to go.

Hope that makes sense.
You can't wire it for mono/stereo unless you add a switch for that. The jackplate you have can be used only for daisychaining 2 cabs.
Got it goin, stereo just like i wanted. Sounds even better than i had hoped. Thanks again Brad.