Amps You Have Purchased More Than Once

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I'm curious to see which amps you have bought more than once. About 10 years ago I went on a new amp search, and I'm finally happy with what I'm playing. Thru the process I purchased several amps I had owned over the years that I wanted to give another try. Which amps are you giving a second look.

Bogner Ecstasy 101b
Suhr PT100
Soldano SLO-100
Suhr Badger 30
Mesa Trem-O-Verb
EVH 5153

Note- I started the search by selling my Ecstasy 101b, funny I ended up now with the Ecstasy as my main amp. I also kept the SLO.

The only one on my list is a Marshall Silver Jubilee 100 Watt. My first one was just okay, but the second one was a later serial and it stomped all over my old one.

Edit: I'm a dumbass and forgot I JUST repurchased a 5150
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The only one I can think of is an orange tiny terror, owned 3 of them over the years, if I needed a home practice amp that was quiet.

Haven't purchased anything else more than once, I reeeeeally try to avoid that - though there are a couple amps I wouldn't mind giving another shot, if I had a crap load of money to blow.
The only amps I’ve bought multiples of are 5150s and Marshall 2203s.
Not sure why this happened but:
JP-2C limited

Really liked both amps. Should have kept at least one but that is the way it goes.
I think the only ones are Peavey JSX and 6505/5150 heads. I would still buy another 5150 combo and add it to the list. The one I used to have was the best sounding 5150 red channel of any iteration I’ve ever played. I would however turn it into a head next time.
Mesa Mark IVa and two IVb’s. Sold the IVa in 90’s due to life circumstances at the time. Moved the IVb’s due to my love for the II series a few years back before they became “hot”. Had a hard time moving them, and netted well below a grand each. :doh:Still miss that IVa from time to time.

(Edit: also have had multiple IIB’s….)
(Second edit: 3 IIC+ DRG, 2 IIC+ SRG, 2 IIC+ HRG)
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Man I've purchased a few amps many times....

Diezel Herbert - 5x ( one mk1, 2 mk2 and 2 mk3)
Diezel VH4 - 2x
Engl Fireball - 4x (2 60sw 2 100w)
Fryette UL - 3x (Still own one)
Fryette D60 - 6 or 7x (one was a Series II)
Bonger Uberschall - 5x (4 Rev Blue, 1 Twin Jet)
Mesa Triple Recto - 4x
Mesa JP2C - 2x
Mesa Mark V - 2x
Mesa Roadster - 2x
Peavy 6505+ - 2x
Splawn Quickrod - 2x (1 el34, 1 KT88)
Splawn Nitro - 2x (1 el34, 1 KT88)
Wizard MC2 - 3x (1 el34, 1 KT50 mk1, 1 KT150 mk2 - still have)
Wizard MTL - 4x (mk1, mk1 KT150, mk2 6L - still have those 3 and a mk2 el34)
Wizard W800 - 2x (1 el34 and 1 KT150 - still have)
EVH 5150 III - 4x (2 50w, 1 100w, 1 100w stealth)

There's probably more, but that's all I can think of right now.
Bogner Uberschall-2x
VHT D60-3x
VHT Sig X-2x
VHT Ultra lead-2x
PRS Archon-3x
Mesa Boogie Dual/Triple Rectifier-3x
Engl Fireball-2x
EVH 5150 III-3x
PRS MT15-5x
Friedman JJ Jr-2x
Does having an amp bounce back and forth between two bros count?
Bloodrock and myself had a Randall C200 go back and forth as trade bait or cash reimbursement countless times.
He won out in the end when he sold it to someone else for crazy big money.

Diezel VH4

Mark amps

And Marshall 2203 and 1959’s

Those always seem to come back in some form. Don’t think the VH4 will return anymore :)
I did buy an original 5150 twice but man they were like $350-400 used, should of known but I didnt think Ed would be taken from this earth:no: so early.
I did buy an original 5150 twice but man they were like $350-400 used, should of known but I didnt think Ed would be taken from this earth:no: so early.
My current 6505 I got off another forum for $400 + shipping before the Great Gearflation began. No brainer at that price.