Ok I can't stay silent on this any longer, 900lb gorilla.

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Listen, everyone is getting sick mid Summer that has taken the jab. I'm going to be respectful and also ask that everyone within this thread be professional towards one another.

That being said, if you got coerced into taking the "root beer float", do you not realize the possibility that the jab IS the reason why your immune system is weakened to the point that you are getting sick mid Summer ?
I am noticing TONS of people around me are sick, some severe, some not so bad, depending on their genetics etc obviously. ONE clear consistency, is MOST the people are double to triple jabbed. Not hearing much IF anything from unvax'd dept getting sick.... something is seriously fk'd here and it needs to be discussed and not hiding around it too afraid to look in the mirror.
Again, I don't want political debate or bickering, please... be respectful and discuss like an adult.

I genuinely am concerned at the sheer volume getting sick and in denial about this "coincidence".
I'm sick as fuck. I've had both pfizer's and one booster. We were forced illegally at work but I did mine voluntarily based on the advice of my health team. See my other thread for what I have going on now....actually-got covid for the 2nd time a few weeks back...no issues....Had an m.s. treatment and have been sick as fuck ever since with a terrible sore throat and congestion. Occasional fever. Wife started me on penicillin, then went to the doctor who put me on an antibiotic. Slightly better but still have this garbage.
Here in this province, they have even stopped disclosing vaccine status for the sick and deaths, that says everything.

When something doesn’t fit their narrative, it’s simple, they just don’t report it…

If it was the unvaccinated getting sick and dying, you can bet your freaking stars it would be plastered 24/7 in every newspaper, radio, TV, online media source etc. etc.

it’s disgusting.

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I was essentially forced to get the shot. I didn't want to for various reasons and I will say I was against it but I haven't gotten sick once.
both times I had covid were nothing. easy....this shit I have now is terrible...it just lingers....and the heat and sunlight are horrible...probably got the omega man shit ....brotha....lol...
I am also seeing alot of people sick here in my area and it mostly appears to be those who took the magic juice....It's JULY people not well known for viral outbreaks.............:dunno:

Being that we are over two years into this and history has shown us the average pandemic lasts 18 months maximum before going through an entire population I'm sure darn near 100% of the population especially children have been exposed and have developed immunity at this point, tell me again why babies and kids need this when they don't even show symptoms, they are our HERD IMMUNITY. Bad things happen when you vaxxx directly into the blood when the person already has natural immunity, it has been a scientific fact for decades.

So tell me again why anyone would take a formulation of the magic juice even if it worked and it does not according to Pfizer own clincial trial data that only works against the original strain of the Wuhan flu what iteration of Omicron are we on now?. And even if they get the OMICRON variant version it will mutate just as INFLUENZA A/B does and you are right back at less than 50% efficacy which by the FDA standards is essentially useless if it does not sterilize the virus and transmission period end of story.

Also if the magic juice is fully Licensed by the FDA that drug version legally should be being used but they are still under EUA because if they use the Licensed product the manufacurers lose the LIABILITY shield. The FDA states that once a drug is licensed the EUA drug use must cease, why hasn't that happened?

Nigel posted this earlier:

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I'm not vaxxed, and had it twice. One go around with the original version back around T-Giving of 2020 before there was even a vaccine, and the second time earlier this year with the Omicron varient. Both times for me were pretty easy, but they weren't even remotely the same experience. The original was loss of taste/smell, really bad fatigue and some killer headaches. No fevers, etc. With Omicron, it was more like a cold and I had a very short fever one evening but it broke really fast. Then two weeks later, I had severe diahhrea and my blood pressure tanked for about a day. I thought it was totally unrelated, but when I went to the Doc they said it was related to Omicron. Been good ever since (knock on wood).

Now, my wife.. not vaxxed, and was on the fence about getting vaxxed because she has Type 2 Diabetes and decided not to get it. She skated past the first iteration of Covid when I had it and was exposed to it many times (myself, grandkids that had it, etc..). Her bloodtype is O and we had heard that it was more resistent and knowing how many time she was exposed to it and didn't get it.. I believe that. Now when Omicron rolled around she caught it then and had a really rough time with the Omicron varient, and it took her a good month to get over the initial bout of it and then had some lingering cough, etc.. for a while after that. I was honestly worried that she was going to have to go on a vent. Blood/Ox levels were tanking and couldn't hardly walk across our living room without just about collapsing. I really thought she was coming down with pneumonia. But, Doc's checked her out and there were no lung issues like pneumonia (thankfully), but it was just sucking all the o2 out of her blood and making her really weak.

It's some weird stuff, that's for sure. You just never know how you're going to react to it.
What I want to see... and I cant find it is what percentage of survivability does the vax provide? Right now they typical population has a 99.97% survival rate. What does being vaccinated do to the survival rate? Does it increase to 99.98%? How about children? What is their survival rate with and without the vax? I feel these numbers are hidden from the population because getting vaccinated causes no significant changes to these numbers?
I just cannot believe how many are sick in the Summer... the SUNNIEST (Vit D) and warmest season... so what will it be like in the Fall and Winter? Holy crap.. the media will only gas light people sick in Fall calling it COVID.. yet it might actually just be vax'd people getting really sick because they are the equivalent to AIDS or cancer sufferers with no immune system, or basically auto immune disorder.

Holy fk man... you guys especially that are getting sick and are jabbed, you NEED to get yourself on Medicinal mushroom (look up Paul Stametz product line Immune support capsules and tincture products). Just trust me on this one...
Yes, this is no longer a “right / left / religious / atheist / gay / straight / he / she / it / they” argument…
They force that shit on us in an attempt to divide us into hatred for each other.
Everyone should come together against these evil POS Fцсжs who illegally forced these shots on humanity.
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Yes, this is no longer a “right / left / religious / atheist / gay / straight / he / she / it / they” argument…
They force that shit on us in an attempt to divide us into hatred for each other.
Everyone should come together against these evil POS fucks who illegally forced these shots on humanity.
Have to agree.

I don't get deep into these types of discussions but I'm sure it would be compared to previous vaccines like chicken pox or whatever that every kid was forced to get to attend school on the other end of the argument.
What I want to see... and I cant find it is what percentage of survivability does the vax provide? Right now they typical population has a 99.97% survival rate. What does being vaccinated do to the survival rate? Does it increase to 99.98%? How about children? What is their survival rate with and without the vax? I feel these numbers are hidden from the population because getting vaccinated causes no significant changes to these numbers?
You will never get that data because in every trial done Pfizer and Moderna vaccinated the control groups.........................Now when real science was being practiced those trials that contaminated the data by doing so would normally have been thrown out.............and the data claimed therein declared null and void.

Those that have not taken the injections within the populations are now the control groups.........
Yes, this is no longer a “right / left / religious / atheist / gay / straight / he / she / it / they” argument…
They force that shit on us in an attempt to divide us into hatred for each other.
Everyone should come together against these evil POS fucks who illegally forced these shots on humanity.
Sadly people would rather argue about this party or that party tells them what to believe and who and what to hate rather than realize the fraud and evil being pepertrated upon them as a sovereign human being.

All of these politicians regardless of party affiliation stopped representing the PEOPLE a long long time ago.
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People who get all their info from government affiliated news sources will be absolutely clueless about the jab because the mainstream will NEVER EVER tell the truth about it .

The Biden administration paid nearly the entire corporate media, including so-called “conservative” media outlets, with taxpayer dollars to engage in a massive campaign to push only positive coverage about COVID shots while censoring any negative information, without disclosing it to their audiences. This is a serious breach of journalistic ethics.

No, You Didn’t Test Positive for COVID-19​


9 Out Of 10 UK Covid Deaths Are Fully Vaccinated​

COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs​


How They Destroy Our Immune System With A Lab-Generated Pathogen​


Research “Game-Changer”: Jabs Increase Heart Attacks, Destroy Immune Systems​


Scientific evidence suggests the Covid Vaccines reprogram the innate Immune System & cause lymphocytes to attack the body’s organs​


PROOF: COVID Vaccines Cause Prion Diseases​


The CDC is lying to the world about Covid-19 Vaccine safety; they are killing 15 people for every 1 life they save.​


Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable​


Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed​


Top COVID Doctor: Gov’t Hiding Injection-Related Deaths​

The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections. The report exposes the strategic methods used by governments and health agencies to hide 99% of all vaccine injuries and deaths. You will also learn who is really behind all of this, and what their true agenda is.
https://stopworldcontrol.com/report/You-Lives-destroyed-from-COVID-Vaccines (2).jpg
Only thirteen “doctors” are running the COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.