Ok I can't stay silent on this any longer, 900lb gorilla.

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Ok jdel77, findthetone1 etc, guys seriously... re-read my starting thread words and try to calm down without the insults and bickering back and forth. This is specifically supposed to be a thread about awareness, discussion, sharing knowledge, sharing experience firsthand or friends/family going through their specific situation with coercion or whatever it may be.
I cannot sit here and watch this thread turn into yet another tireless monkey mind fight. Just GET ALONG for ONCE and be mature for ONE thread.

You'll note that one only side of these discussions insists on resorting to name calling and personal insults.
The fact that the Mods here allow this is incredible, but these guys will never enter into my real world of interaction. They're just faceless, identity-less popups on a gear forum.
What they represent though is pretty sad, but it's the devolvement of humanity. This element of RigTalk is nothing more than a Republican circle-jerk of conservatives whose only motivation in life is pointing out people and policies who scare and threaten them. We can only move forward as a human race as fast as our most backward and regressive individuals allow.
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I don't have to assume you're an idiot. You've proven it here many times over. Don't make the mistake of trying to infer I have no empathy or sympathy for those that have lost someone with your inability to see what's going on directly in front of you...Chump.

Not even worth my time. Fuck off.
You'll note that only side of these discussions resorts to name calling and personal insults.
The fact that the Mods here allow this is incredible, but these guys will never enter into my real world of interaction. They're just faceless, identity-less popups on a gear forum.
What they represent though is pretty sad, but it's the devolvement of humanity. This element of RigTalk is nothing more than a Republican circle-jerk of conservatives whose only motivation in life is pointing out people and policies who scare and threaten them. We can only move forward as a human race as fast as our most backward and regressive individuals allow.
Wow…..you must be some kind of scholar. Tell you what, you float yourself over here to this country you hate so much, and I’ll be more than happy to sit down and have a face to face with you and tell you what a clueless idiot you are. I’ll even buy the beer. I even have a nice place picked out for you to stay on the south side of Chicago.
Don‘t pine like you’re some “innocent victim”, Jack. You willingly came in here and started slinging shit as much as anyone else so own it or stay out you fucking pansy.
If you’ll notice, I don’t say very much about your country, nor do I profess to have the answers to the problems of your country because I don’t live there and really could give two fucks about it. Maybe you should practice the same philosophy.
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This isn't a republican circle jerk jdel77 , the reason you think it is, is because you obviously get all your info from state sponsored media and state sponsored media doesn't allow ANY THINKING or QUESTIONING outside their specific left wing narrative.

Only thirteen “doctors” are running the COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.
I tend to believe the 2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors over 13 democrat funded doctors.
You'll note that only side of these discussions resorts to name calling and personal insults.
The fact that the Mods here allow this is incredible...
Insults and name-calling are components of free speech, unpalatable as they may be mate.

We draw the line at physical threats and overt racism, so technically not 100% free speech, but I'm sure most would agree that there's nothing of value lost through the exclusion of these two categories.
What they represent though is pretty sad, but it's the devolvement of humanity.
Humanity? Like your Aussie hero Hannah? A disgrace to real women like yourself…


Humanity? Like your Aussie hero Hannah? A disgrace to real women like yourself…


it's funny you posted this...as everyone knows I retired from the F.B.O.P. last year...for some reason these pictures reminds me of the gumps at work. we had special names for them....Buffy the muslim slayer....Trailer Swift....lol...etc.etc.......DUDE LOOKS LIKE TRAILER SWIFT...a federal inmate in a male high security prison....
It's not the virus, it's the shot. It always has been and always will be. People are indeed waking up to this however the damage is already done.
Hopefully this thread lives a while. Very interested to see how this unfolds over a long time line.

Hopefully doesn't veer to far off the rails.
Goes both ways. I knew three people who are now dead and were not vaccinated. Another Guy, not vaccinated I know just got out of the hospital after being there over two months with Covid. I know no one who was vaccinated that died or even had to go to the Hospital. I know many who had zero issues from the vaccines. Didn't even get sick from it, only a little tired.

Many such cases.
Yep, So sad…
It’s happening everywhere. Even the three retirement homes in my area, for the last two decades there has been at least a three year wait on a list to get into these places, now, each place has 15-20% vacancy, available immediately… If people don’t see this, they’re just freaking blind.

2 main hospitals in my area, 88% of the hospitalized Covid patients are Vaccinated.
I know no one who has died recently in this ‘Sudden adult death syndrome’ who is UNvaccinated.
I know 8 people just in my circle of friends, neighbours, work, family etc who have died out of the blue for no reason, all jabbed. This past Friday, a 15 year old hockey player. Heart attack.?
Look up any country's coveeeeed cases with the highest vaxscene rates. They all look like an exponential curve. I thought vaxscenes stop the spread of a virus.


2+2 = 5