Recent content by acidvoodoo

  1. acidvoodoo

    The final nail in the coffin and real death of most Mom and Pops.........

    With these horse shit tax rules in effect, maybe we’ll see a resurgence in shops and less online sellers.
  2. acidvoodoo

    RT Providence, RI Chapter

    Me and Wayne are the only RTs I know of in RI
  3. acidvoodoo

    RT Providence, RI Chapter

    Are you looking at that Twin Jet?
  4. acidvoodoo

    Moving Cross Country… should I trust a moving company?

    I used a POD from FL to Boston, it was a super smooth process.
  5. acidvoodoo

    The Cantrell rack is fired up

    Someone is about to see the man!
  6. acidvoodoo


  7. acidvoodoo

    Friedman IR With Marshall Artist 3203?

    Could be a really cool rig. I had a 3203 for a long time. I don’t know much about the Friedman IR line but if you could connect it to the 3203 fx loop bypassing the 3203 solid state preamp, you’d have a full tube setup! I bet it would sound killer.
  8. acidvoodoo

    Pink taco boosts?

    It’s been a while and I no longer have the amp but I used the Tonefreak Naked OD which paired perfectly with it. I bet the MXR fat sugar would also pair well.
  9. acidvoodoo

    Your Opinion on Holy Grail Modern Metal Tone(s)

    Hatebreed - Marshall TSL100’s ??
  10. acidvoodoo

    New Bogner amp leaked- Snorkler 50

    Oh man, that sounds freakin killer. I’m glad my Helios 50 purchase went south, definitely ordering one of these.
  11. acidvoodoo

    Finally finished that there Headfirst Cali Build !!

    Love it!
  12. acidvoodoo

    Dunlop Jerry Cantrell Wah

    What do you need to setup a true bypass loop?
  13. acidvoodoo

    Dunlop Jerry Cantrell Wah

    Bogner ???
  14. acidvoodoo

    Dunlop Jerry Cantrell Wah

    Nice. I have a true bypass kit lying around meant for one of these just haven’t had time to do it. There def is tone suck when placed in front.
  15. acidvoodoo

    Dunlop Jerry Cantrell Wah

    I have 3 of them lol, the original, dinosaur and orca. Call me crazy but I hear a subtle difference between them. I gravitate to the dinosaur version. …and go ahead and flame me but the purple Hammett wah is also killer sounding!