I was tempted to get one when I had my DSL40CR for a short time because it had such a great loop and made for a great power amp with cab. But it broke after 2.5 months so I had to send it back and ended up just getting the JEL20. I even thought about getting the SYN-1 and using it the same...
Man, those are some of the best prices I've seen on Gibsons. Wonder where these demos come from? Are these the ones they send to artists/Influencers? What they are calling defects don't seem to be much at all.. got to give them props for pointing them all out and with pics.
They seem to be doing that and posting about it at TGP. It seems they love it. I would have already ordered the one with the Ecstasy module if they were in stock.
Well talking about ruining a good thing. I remember when people went goo goo for these amps. He could have made a killing. I was brand new to guitar back then and didn't know much but I do remember that around 2004ish and on.
I know pyschodave has a Jet City 20 watter that he modded with advice from Cameron and it sounds great.. maybe better than a Cameron. Where was Cameron amps based out of?
I saw Jason's video where he opened one up today and Cameron did a tremendous amount of work in these. It must have taken him forever. It's funny because the modded Marshalls today don't seem to have many mods and they sound just as good if not better to my ears.
I would assume, if you could...
What did you say? I got an Angry face put on a OP Thread I started where VH was lip-syncing and not even plugged up on an old tv show like American Bandstand way back in the 70s.
I would think EL84s would do a better job at not coloring the tone, especially for the cleaner stuff. My JEL20 has plenty of bottom end... some people think it has too much.