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    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Don't be gay and buy a 5150.....
      So Eddie Van Halen's products are gay now? Did I miss something?
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread About to sell the Diezel 🤏 every single time ⏲️.
      Brother, I too feel your pain, I've probably had 20+ amps over the course of my life and I do the same thing. Recently picked up a...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Smaller Wattage Diezel.
      thank you @Dominik
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo reacted to Floyd Eye's post in the thread All quiet on the western front.... with Like Like.
      Great movie. A couple historical inaccuracies. Particularly with the weaponry. If memory serves the shotguns they used in the movie...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo reacted to SteveGlitch's post in the thread Boss SDE-3 (Poor man's SDE-3000) with Like Like.
      Boss' delays are ahead of Strymon imo, and I like Walrus Audio and Catalinbread reverbs more than Strymon reverbs. The newer Boss space...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo reacted to TheBiggestJerk's post in the thread Trans men competing in woman's sports. with Like Like.
      Always always always always always! And ain’t gonna change.
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo reacted to Geo's post in the thread Who Is Running The Country? with Like Like.
      I believe it's more than that but they have to keep up the illusion.
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Who Is Running The Country?.
      seems right to me based on what I see, but I'm in Texas and everyone hates libtards here. It's probably gonna be California, New York...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Trans men competing in woman's sports..
      not if they are taking testosterone. If it's a biological woman taking testosterone she shouldn't be allowed to play with either male or...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Delay Placement Poll.
      you know man, i have never gotten along with analog delays, but have always ran them in the FX Loop. perhaps i should try in front.
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Boss SDE-3 (Poor man's SDE-3000).
      Pre-ordered mine yesterday and It can't come soon enough. Really dug Leon Todd's demo video. Had the perfect tone for me. I just can't...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo replied to the thread Who Is Running The Country?.
      yea no doubt. The fact that she is even there proves your point. Hoping man, hoping. Not sure if you saw but that cat that has...
    • MontiCristo
      MontiCristo posted the thread Vahlbrucht BBQ Boost / EQ in Effects Pedal Reviews.
      I just got one of these and love it. I've been using the Suhr KoKo boost forever but always found regardless of the amp it adds a...
    • MontiCristo
      I've been through many and the best out there in my opinion are : Keeley Comp Plus - Gold Medal Carl Martin - Silver Medal Andy Wood /...
    • MontiCristo
      The Keeley plus is pretty nice, you can find those used everywhere. I'd like to try the Suhr woodshed, but they rarely seem to be in...
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