Recent content by Pelican

  1. P

    WTB: Marshall 2245thw

  2. P

    WTB: Marshall 2245thw

    Thanks, they don’t have one though
  3. P

    WTB: Marshall 2245thw

    Trying to find one of these. If you want to sell hit me up. US only please
  4. P

    WTB: Mesa Mark 3 blue stripe loaded

    Where? Green doesn’t chug like blue
  5. P

    WTB: Mesa Mark 3 blue stripe loaded

  6. P

    WTB: Mesa Mark 3 blue stripe loaded

    Want to buy Mesa mark 3 blue stripe simulclass, eq, reverb…head or combo. US only
  7. P

    New cool amp on the way: Carstens amplification GRACE

    If he has so much dough tell him to get me one too please
  8. P

    Declining Quality - Gibson Guitars

    I would never buy another Gibson after my 2017 hp
  9. P

    I’m a bitcoin squillionaire…GIVE AWAY

    With money like that you could buy me a suhr, just saying
  10. P

    Major guitar theft San Jose / SF Bay Area

    Umm yeah, I have had things stolen. In fact I had my only guitar stolen in my early 20’s. That shit hurt, but when you have 200? Come on, they didn’t mean anything to him more than an investment. He could have easily sold some and bought a place to put the rest. They were just objects to him so...
  11. P

    Major guitar theft San Jose / SF Bay Area

    I hate thieves too, but it’s not like he was using them. They were just tokens of his greed.
  12. P

    Favorite wood combo for a Suhr Modern?

    Where’s mahogany?
  13. P

    Mesa Mark ? - What Is this?

    Got a blue stripe?
  14. P

    Gibson Quality

    Lo Love my robotune. I can get any tuning in 10 seconds. Lots of flack for an awesome device
  15. P

    Sweetwater has been bought out.

    I hate his videos. The bald guy and don with the long hair. All 3 suck