I would like to download again a cab that I was using a while ago called Ractofire but can't find it in the store. Does it have a different name now or has it been removed? How can I download it again? Thanks!
I'm changing tubes in my VH4. How are other users experiencing JJ KT77 quality now? I just bought a quartet last week and had a faulty tube. A friend of mine bought also more or less simultaneously and had two faulty ones. I like their tone but would gladly skip such problems. And how about...
Am looking seriously at this guitar because I am thinking of buying a guitar with a strat body, fixed bridge, and preferably in mahogany. This one fits the bill, please tell me about it good folks. Is it heavy? worth the $? Cheers!
Testing my VH4 onto the two notes tp live using the mesa stock cab. How does it sound for you guys? Have not used a lot the stock cabs (have been using almost exclusively the redwirez stuff) but am exploring the stock ones now.
A couple of months ago I've tried JJ 6L6 tubes in my VH4 and am loving it. I was running the bias at 66 mA (pair) but yesterday tried sinking the bias. After some testing got to the sweet spot of to 61 mA (if we want to be pedantic 61.4 ^^ ). And that's tonal heaven for me! Tighter bottom end...
So I've got it today, new, and am quite happy with the purchase. Great tone out of the box, classic sounds galore. Though, I am amazed at how close to the plexi the channel 2 of the VH4 sounds with el34 power tubes. Recorded a test with the Marshall into the two notes torpedo - yt link below if...
Since I have been getting some messages in rigtalk about some videos that I've posted before asking about the VH4 settings, signal chains and what the VH4 can do etc (btw thanks for the kind words by some of you guys :) ) I thought of leaving here two links for two mini-albums (metal/heavy...
Hi guys. I wanted to share the spotify link to my mini-album where all the guitars and bass have been tracked with the torpedo live. It is a quite varied recording, starts mellow and ends heavy ^^ Everything was played/sung and mixed by myself. Take a listen if you are curious to know how it...
I know this has been answered by Guillaume some time ago but I have to bring it up again. The Live is a great unit, just tracked an album with it and everyone was happy. But I have to point the choice of sample rate: It would be a great improvement if 44 kHz would be available instead of 96. 44...
Have been very busy since I got the Live but had a bit to record a short track with it. Went for a crunchy sound and alternated between powerchords/more exotic ones and riffs. That is a headphones mix made late in the evening.
The live is a great unit! :thumbsup: