Define "song structures". I'm curious?
I would actually go as far as to say that I don't think Val and Satch could necessarily cover the ground Pete has in his career. It's completely horses for courses and they have their lane, and in that lane, they're the kings. If you don't think Pete can...
This is madness. Do you honestly believe, taking the punters out of it, do you honestly believe that DON HENLEY wasn’t discerning? Come on.
Key/tempo shifts? That stuff isn’t the challenge. The challenge is always time feel, pocket, touch. It’s like you’re suggesting PT can’t handle this stuff...
I didn’t say he was a genius songwriter. I think he operates musically on a different level to the large majority of people who ever play music.
Does that make me want to listen to his music? Not really. I appreciate it for what it is but it doesn’t move me, I agree.
Yes, Vai is a genius. That goes without saying. Satriani is a guitar legend. I love both and have for many years.
That said, I think you’re being pretty harsh on Pete. The guy does that VH tribute with Mitch something and absolutely nails it. His time, his swing, his feel. It’s all there.
Has anybody here played one? In the market for a channel switcher and looking at this, maybe the EVH 50w EL34, or possibly the Friedman Smallbox. Looking for Plexi and modded Plexi style gain tones but ideally a great clean channel too. Not completely essential as I could A/B with my Bella but...