New Death Metal


Well-known member
I figured since there is not much on here in the way of some of the newer more underground death metal bands, I'd start this thread to share some of the more recent gems out there.

There's a huge scene in Chile, also - so many great bands out of there right now...I'll post some of them throughout this thread as time goes (Infamovs' Stench of the Unholy Graves is below and is great from start to finish

Track from the new Gorgasm EP from April

The new Unaussprechlichen Kulten and Crucifier albums are both great, too. A lot of stuff from the new UK album in this set :
I love that band!!! It's a damn shame they broke-up recently but a good portion of them reformed a new band, Corpus Offal

Damn I didn't know about the breakup, but thanks for the heads up on Corpus Offal. They definitely have the same vibe and sound. I think a big part of that first Cerebral Rot album I posted was they recorded with that guy in Seattle, all analog on to tape. It just gives it a punch and depth you don't hear on modern recordings. I wonder if they used the same guy for the CO release...
I figured since there is not much on here in the way of some of the newer more underground death metal bands, I'd start this thread to share some of the more recent gems out there.

There's a huge scene in Chile, also - so many great bands out of there right now...I'll post some of them throughout this thread as time goes (Infamovs' Stench of the Unholy Graves is below and is great from start to finish

This is good stuff. Thank you!!! 🖤
Thanks for this thread. I like old school death metal and I have a hard time finding new stuff.

Me too. I try to listen to newer stuff and just can’t get into it. Then I just switch to Necrophagist and I’m happy. 😂

This band reminds me of old school cannibal corpse. So brutal. Intro ends about 50 seconds in if you want to fast forward.

Now that I like!

Love that Profanation. Kind of bummed as I searched their other stuff and all the vocals were more like Grindcore style (I don’t like). They nailed that ‘90-‘92 sound on this EP. Whenever DM gets too crisp and modern sounding it starts sounding weird to me…😂