Just some gear porn

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My uncle came to stay the night, he gave me my first guitar and was my original guitar hero, still is in a lot of ways. It’s safe to say that man has forgotten how to play more songs than the collective of this forum currently knows how to play, he’s never been a noodler or someone that just plugs in and plays. As long as I’ve known him he’s had 10 songs he has to learn at pretty much all times, he’s just constantly learning new songs for gigs. Gear for him is a “Does it cover my bases? Sold” so I like the fact that he can come over and smell the roses a bit.

Usually I’m dragging stuff out of my studio piece by piece, but I got this set up so when he walked into my apartment it greeted him-


We never got to the EVH, it’s hard to move away from the Mesa’s Blue channel but once he got to the Shiva he was in heaven. At one point he asked me which guitar I owned that I felt sounded the best, I told him I was just going to have him play my 4 best sounding guitars and see if he came to the same conclusion I did. I handed him my Orville and in 5 seconds “This is it!!! Holy fuck!” That felt like validation to me because since I’ve had it, it completely erased my thoughts on ‘mojo’ being bullshit. I just assumed we all come across a guitar that speaks to us personally for whatever reason, but the same guitar in someone else’s hands is just another guitar. Seeing that immediate reaction in him told me it’s not just me that finds that one special.
Wow, that's awesome! I'd be up all night noodling with that stuff!
Sounds like an awesome day. Very cool.

And hey you forgot the guitar porn!
whats the mesa?

As others stated, an Electra Dyne. It’s Mesa’s take on a Plexi/JCM-ish, has that same gain structure but Mesa’s low end. Loud motherfucker and my favorite of the 3. I call it the Cocaine Alligator.

How do you rock those rigs in an apartment?

The MV on the Mesa and Bogner are good enough that they’re fine at apartment volumes, but I also put the FM9 in 4CM and can turn everything down with the effect loop’s volume output. Obviously I’m not getting pant flapping in an apartment, but I can get them loud enough that it’s worth it over playing direct into studio monitors.
That last Les Paul is a beaut but she looks naked without a pickguard. :p
That last Les Paul is a beaut but she looks naked without a pickguard. :p
I also prefer the pickguard look, though I have two that were never drilled for one and I hate to be the one to do it, so I'm getting used to the look.
That LP is gorgeous. I'm jealous af.

As far a something having Mojo... its definitely a thing. Sometimes the planets just align better on certain "specimens". I've bought and sold a lot of the same gear and I have owned guitars and amps that one had some extra sauce that the others didnt. One example is I had a 5150 signature a few years ago that I sold right before Eddie died for a stupidly low price thinking I could just rebuy one. Here it is years later and I have yet to find that same mojo in those amps. At the time I was sure that it had been modded but I opened it up and to my surprise it was bone stock. It just sounded perfect. I actually was happy just plugging straight in to it.