Symphony X... WOW


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These guys are insane! I'd heard of them but never checked 'em out. Jared from Tone Wars did an episode about them today. These guys are frying my mind with such a high standard of playing and I like the songs a lot. Michael Romeo is a beast on the guitar! Anyone here a fan of this band? I'd love to get your recommendations on which albums to check out first.

Gig from 4 days ago. They're so good live it's ridiculous.

Jared's video.

I love Symphony X, big soft spot for fellow New Jersey dudes. Paradise Lost is a mandatory listen, it's an incredible album front to back. I can't skip a single song when taking a listen through. Iconoclast is also great, heavier, hard hitting. I've tried countless times to learn some of their complicated shit and I've just resigned myself to just enjoying listening. The dude's got monster rhythms and leads.
Have loved them for the last 20+ years I guess. Such a classic band, awesome to hear new fans. I listen to them all the time still.

Check out Micheal Romeo’s solo albums. War of The Worlds Part 1 is amazing, every song is good.

There used to be a big Dream Theater vs Symphony X thing, Not with the bands, just some fan banter.
Just saw them at the Rave in Milwaukee a couple weekends ago. It was my first time seeing them live too. They killed it. Awesome stage energy and musicianship. Singer hit all the notes and Michael Romeo looked so relaxed while playing those insane solos.
Love the mythology Suite, Odyssey, Paradise Lost & Iconoclast.
Worked with them a bunch of times - great guys. Also know their lighting guy & TM.
First caught them back in 2001 at PPUSA 1 and Beehive Theater in PA. Probably have seen them live 8-9 times.
They are beast musicians, but I'm not a huge fan of Romeos guitar sound.
These guys are insane! I'd heard of them but never checked 'em out. Jared from Tone Wars did an episode about them today. These guys are frying my mind with such a high standard of playing and I like the songs a lot. Michael Romeo is a beast on the guitar! Anyone here a fan of this band? I'd love to get your recommendations on which albums to check out first.

Gig from 4 days ago. They're so good live it's ridiculous.
Huge Symphony X fan here

If you enjoyed that also check out 90s Stratovarius.
Or the new Angra albums have some epic/heavy/classical parts.
I have not really listened to them much. I can't really say why. I did see them live once years ago on the Gigantour headlined by Megadeth. Remember thinking that they were really tight and the guitar playing being really smooth.
Same here bro'.

They're in a class of their own.
Yep. I have all their albums too. Had tickets to see them until Covid canceled it!! 😬 Primal Fear was opening too. Pissed me off! Love Ralf Scheepers, one of my favorite singers! Russell's no slouch either, and of course Michael Romeo is worth the price of admission alone!
Dang they’ll be in Atlanta a week from today. $60. I should go but it’ll be a pain to get there since I’ll be in Nashville that day.
Saw them on the 2nd stage at Gigantour. Had no idea who they were and they kicked major ass. Would see them again.