Kip Winger on Beato

Kip is a beast. His solo releases are good.
I saw him a few years ago acoustically.. not sure why so many people slam him.
Wow. That was great.

What a great guitar player. And composer 🤯🤯🤯🤯

Always was a fan of Winger, but this is amazing.
I did not know his wife died. Our paths crossed in the 90's and he came off as arrogant ass. Must have been a tough time for him. Pass given.
I was never a fan back in the day. I saw them 3 times in the last 7 or 8 years. They regularly play a small venue by me. The are a great live band. Reb Beach is a monster player and Kip still has a great voice. I will go see them any day over the "cool" band of the era like Motley Crue who are a fuckin joke these days.