Polyphia and Marshalls..... This weeks trigger thread

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Yeah- I’m a huge polyphia fan, but it’s kinda insane for them to claim to care about tube tone- one of the things I hate about them as of late is how artificial their tone sounds- especially live
I couldn't care less about Polyphia but I find it hilarious how upset some of the dudes on here get about them. They're doing new things and pushing boundaries, just like certain individuals did back in the day, that said dudes worship to this day. Again, don't like them but I can at least respect what they're doing when a majority of the new music scene is trash Pop and mumble rap.
Yeah- I’m a huge polyphia fan, but it’s kinda insane for them to claim to care about tube tone- one of the things I hate about them as of late is how artificial their tone sounds- especially live
They sounded great live when I saw them here last September.

I did see computers and axe-fx behind the scenes vs the cabs onstage. didn't see any amp heads or power amps

I couldn't care less about Polyphia but I find it hilarious how upset some of the dudes on here get about them. They're doing new things and pushing boundaries, just like certain individuals did back in the day, that said dudes worship to this day. Again, don't like them but I can at least respect what they're doing when a majority of the new music scene is trash Pop and mumble rap.

Old people in 2024 are a funny bunch
<————There are exceptions. I think I’ve posted almost the exact same thing as Apex1.

You know who else was “doing new things and pushing boundaries” way back when I was young? How about Jimi, Eddie, and Yngwie for starters. And they dressed weird too.

The hatred for Tim is fascinating to me and honestly quite entertaining.
Plenty of elderly folk hated them at the time too lol
Yeah, it’s kind of the way it is and the point me and others are trying to make. I remember old folks hating them but at the time I didn’t realize the same thing probably happened to them when they were young. They just didn’t remember it or the context seemed different when on the opposite side. I’m trying to break that cycle because I remember.

And like them or not, they are badass mfers on guitar.
I don't hate on these guys. But is it ok to just not care for the music? There's plenty of music I don't care for. Doesn't mean I hate them.

As for the interview, it wasn't very good. I tried to pay attention, but ended up jumping through most of it.

For the touring musician, modeling seems like a no brainer unless you have a massive tour crew doing all the loading and unloading. I'll take big iron any day all day, but my stuff lives in one place.

To say Tim and his style is eccentric is disservice to the word eccentric. He's next level.