Radial Nerve Palsy... Can't play guitar anymore

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I got this while under the influence sleeping in a chair with my arm over the arm of the chair wrong. Now unfortunately my hand and wrist is useless, i can't play a note anymore and this is pretty devastating to me. Anyone else ever go through this and what was the recovery time for you? It's been three weeks now and there has been no improvement, i hear for some people this is permanent to an extent??
I got this while under the influence sleeping in a chair with my arm over the arm of the chair wrong. Now unfortunately my hand and wrist is useless, i can't play a note anymore and this is pretty devastating to me. Anyone else ever go through this and what was the recovery time for you? It's been three weeks now and there has been no improvement, i hear for some people this is permanent to an extent??
Man, I am sorry to hear that. Not trying to speak out of turn here but maybe consider giving @alund a PM about this....
This is exactly what happened to Dave Mustaine in 2002.

"On January 7th, 2002, while at the hospital, I sat on a chair which I hung my arm over the back of. The hard edge along the top of the seat back cut off the circulation to my radial ulnar nerve. After approximately two hours I woke up and my left hand was numb. I went to the nurse's station and they said it was the hair-tie I had on my wrist. I wish. I had to go into town to see a specialist and he said that I would be lucky if I ever gained even 80% of the use of my arm again. This was unacceptable for me, so I left the rehab, against medical advice and when home to Scottsdale, Az. to get my arm checked out by a city doctor. My Dr. Rahj Singh, a expert in nerve damage, spinal damage, etc. said that I may get 100% use of my arm, but that I would never play the same. I then proceeded to Nathan Koch for physical therapy for 4 months of sessions, three times a week, 1-1.5 hours a day. After I finally got my feeling back in my hand, I realized that I could not even hold a feather in that hand and started a grueling 1-year weight-training program. 13 months after I hurt myself, a personal assistant that had worked for me died in hospice of drug damage, and I was asked to play. It was the first time I had held a guitar since November 17, 2001. Since then, I have completely healed and started taking lessons intermittently to re-learn my trade. After an additional 5 months I decided that I was going to play again, but that is another story."
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This is exactly what happened to Dave Mustaine in 2001.

"On January 7th, 2002, while at the hospital, I sat on a chair which I hung my arm over the back of. The hard edge along the top of the seat back cut off the circulation to my radial ulnar nerve. After approximately two hours I woke up and my left hand was numb. I went to the nurse's station and they said it was the hair-tie I had on my wrist. I wish. I had to go into town to see a specialist and he said that I would be lucky if I ever gained even 80% of the use of my arm again. This was unacceptable for me, so I left the rehab, against medical advice and when home to Scottsdale, Az. to get my arm checked out by a city doctor. My Dr. Rahj Singh, a expert in nerve damage, spinal damage, etc. said that I may get 100% use of my arm, but that I would never play the same. I then proceeded to Nathan Koch for physical therapy for 4 months of sessions, three times a week, 1-1.5 hours a day. After I finally got my feeling back in my hand, I realized that I could not even hold a feather in that hand and started a grueling 1-year weight-training program. 13 months after I hurt myself, a personal assistant that had worked for me died in hospice of drug damage, and I was asked to play. It was the first time I had held a guitar since November 17, 2001. Since then, I have completely healed and started taking lessons intermittently to re-learn my trade. After an additional 5 months I decided that I was going to play again, but that is another story."
Ya I remember when that happened to Mustaine. I'm hoping I will play again, but at this progress i'm feeling rather unhopeful. I wonder what his physical therapy included? what his routine was?
It’s different for everyone. I thought I was done for too . I came back fine luckily and I’m sure you will too man
Most of the time this issue can be fixed...Get to a specialist ASAP. Don't let this go...Front end intervention and treatment is crucial.
I went to emerg. and they gave me a splint to use and said it would heal in two weeks. I think that doc is a little uneducated on the injury. I'm gonna try my regular doctor and see what he says, unfortunately there are no specialists in town, i'd have to travel quite a ways to have it looked at by a specialist.
It’s different for everyone. I thought I was done for too . I came back fine luckily and I’m sure you will too man
You do any excercises for it, or was it just time that healed it?
Ya I remember when that happened to Mustaine. I'm hoping I will play again, but at this progress i'm feeling rather unhopeful. I wonder what his physical therapy included? what his routine was?
That I'm not sure of. The article listed his physician and PT. Might be worth reaching out to them (if they're still practicing) to see if they can do an evaluation or recommendation for rehab. I'm not a doctor but I deal with a lot of nerve injuries in my work and people recover in all different ways from all different things. I am dealing with a tendon issue now preventing me from playing and I can relate to it feeling very defeating. Just keep reaching out to professionals to help and let your body do its thing and give it time.
Speaking from experience, I would look into a Homeopathic doctor.

When it comes to repairing nerve damage, traditional doctors have nothing. It's going to take nutrition just as much as physical therapy.

I would start by a regimental supplement of Lions Mane mushroom.
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Don't let the distance keep from seeking a specialist. I would get to your Primary Doctor right away and have him refer you. In the meantime, I would research the specialists nearest to you and be sure to go to the best one! The sooner get on the proper path of treatment, the better your chances of recovery. If I were you I would do it now! like this minute. Make the calls and be your own advocate, even if you have to be bullish. Often, wait times can be very long... don't accept that. Be the squeaky wheel and get treatment asap.
something similar happened to a drummer I knew, I recommended him to go get some acupuncture treatment, it worked like a charm!
Really, really sorry to hear about this - I hope you get the advice you need and that you’re back on the path to recovery and playing again asap
OP, sorry to hear that man. Hope you get some resolution soon and that you get back to 100 percent again. Keep us posted on your progress. I've been dealing with some kind of nerve entrapment over the last month as well... on my right side (pain in shoulder, neck... numb and tingling right thumb... can't hold my pick properly). Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that's going to go away without some treatment/therapy, unfortunately.
OP, sorry to hear that man. Hope you get some resolution soon and that you get back to 100 percent again. Keep us posted on your progress. I've been dealing with some kind of nerve entrapment over the last month as well... on my right side (pain in shoulder, neck... numb and tingling right thumb... can't hold my pick properly). Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that's going to go away without some treatment/therapy, unfortunately.
I had a bulging disc in my neck that was nuking my right arm, down to numbness in my thumb and forefinger. I ended up having to have a neck fusion and they replaced most of the discs in my neck, due to extensive erosion of the fluid wall, screwed in a titanium plate. Unfortunately it made me unemployed as my job required a weight lifting amount, but recovery was pretty quick and my arm has been 100% ever since.
UGH! You have “Saturday Night’s Palsy”. This was one of the first things we learned in med school anatomy class. Have not heard a case for maybe 20 years until now.. this is a real thing and happens unfortunately but it can resolve depending…… You def need occupational therapy and a physician to order. Go see your primary MD. Do not let your hand become a dead fish.
I can answer questions that I know. These mononeuropathies can be a bitch.

https://www.physio-pedia.com/Saturd...lity during which nerve compression can occur.