Is crypto currency...

How? You still thinking Biden stole the election? LOL

Well, I'll give you that.

The global inflation was due to COVID, so unless you're saying someone came up with COVID (which I admit could be a possibility)


Chemtrails? LOL

Ehh, you still had plenty of choice not to take it.
The erosion of our democracy started well before Biden. While I think it's likely these jerks created COVID, the inflation wasn't at all due a stupid virus. It was due to policy makers response, which included printing a metric shit-ton of money. As for chemtrails, watch the doc I posted before you start snickering.
SEC approves bitcoin ETFs...Good news for the US Gubments 200k bitcoin holding
People have to be nuts to believe they aren't scheming on a way to destroy bitcoin. IMO that whole Bankman shit was an op to wreck trust in crypto...Bankmans parents were lawyers/professors whose area of expertise could basically be summed up as finding ways for governments to expand their power of taxation and control of money supply through centralized why would they have their kid doing the polar opposite of what they are promoting...????????? Mix in that goblin chick he was banging had a dad that was head gopher for the SEC Chair.
People have to be nuts to believe they aren't scheming on a way to destroy bitcoin
Dunno, it’s plausible they put it out there with the idea that it’s anonymous, solely to find out what people are really up to. I also think it’s ridiculous that people think they can’t ultimately control it if they truly want.
Distrust in the crypto space is understandable given the complexities. The connections you've pointed out are intriguing, and skepticism is healthy. It's a wild ride, and questioning things is part of staying vigilant.
... questioning things is part of staying vigilant.
Speaking of which:

Your only other post was about travel inspiration 7 months ago. You Kindly linked to a train-scheduling website. How thoughtful.

You even made a quite-sophisticated joke in that post (play on words - "Gotta get that Vitamin Sea, you know?")... for a bot.

Nearly a bot pass, but unfortunately, a bot fail. :banhim: :gethim:

Bant - Clint & Clyde.gif

Bitcoin trader loses almost $70 million after sending crypto to wrong online account address​

It seems crypto is desperate for government and big bank support to reach new highs. This crash will be epic