Avatar AV60 kicks a**!


Well-known member
Got my AV60 last Friday and I love it. Compared it directly with a Mesa spec V30 and an Eminence CV-75 and the Avatar was the clear choice for my ears. One of the only speakers I’ve had that makes a claim of “fixing” the V30 without getting too far away from it. Nice and warm but keeps the upper mid clarity with zero hard sounding attributes.

Just ordered the AV30 to try as well. FWI, the entire AV line is made by Misco US

oh isn't this timely? I will prob make a post about it but.... I moved into a new room, along with my gear. I have a mix of Veteran 30 and Invader 50 in my 2x12. Always sounded great in my smaller room, but in the larger area, I am starting to hear what others are complaining about with lack of clarity and a brittle high end. I may just have to give one or two of these a go!!!
How is the low end sound/handling? I'd like something with that extended low end thump but that keeps clear and tight without sounding muffled. From the clips I hear on their site, you are pretty spot on with the description about the high end. I didn't hear any chugging or riffs in the examples so if you want to upload some....feel free! Really really tempted to grab a pair at the price. Unreal.
How is the low end sound/handling? I'd like something with that extended low end thump but that keeps clear and tight without sounding muffled. From the clips I hear on their site, you are pretty spot on with the description about the high end. I didn't hear any chugging or riffs in the examples so if you want to upload some....feel free! Really really tempted to grab a pair at the price. Unreal.
Definitely extended lows over a V30….,but I haven’t had a chance to play them loud yet to see how they hold together. That will happen this weekend. If you are considering them, then now is a good time. That is an introductory price to get them out there in the wild.
Definitely extended lows over a V30….,but I haven’t had a chance to play them loud yet to see how they hold together. That will happen this weekend. If you are considering them, then now is a good time. That is an introductory price to get them out there in the wild.
Not sure if I want to go with 2 of the AV60s, or if I should mix in one of the 50s with it, so I have a Greenback/V30 combo. Decisions, decisions..... My amp is a 25w Rivera Clubster Royale. Basically a Blackface or tweed clean channel, with a modded British style OD channel. I really like some screaming mids and a sweeter top, but that V60 sounds damn good. Not sure what I want to do and can only afford one pair for sure.... Maybe I'll just say Fk it and go with the V60s since I have the extra set of Invaders if I want to try a GB flavor with it.
I can’t believe I only recently discovered avatar cabs and speakers. My 4x12 with hellatones kills.
Hellatones are fantastic—I know the last time I picked some up they were cheaper than anyone else’s Celestions, which is what they are. Dave is a good guy who sells good stuff for great prices. I have a 2x12 loaded with his M65 Fanes and it sounds killer. Congrats OP for the score (y)
I can’t believe I only recently discovered avatar cabs and speakers. My 4x12 with hellatones kills.
This. My dumbass thought the speakers were the issue some years ago and I sold my Hellatone 60s..... Turns out, it was the absolutely trash sounding Grandmeister 40 that was the problem. I wish I would have kept them but oh well... Live and learn.
Got my AV60 last Friday.

Just bought a pair, maybe they will arrive this Friday.

I hope you're happy, I'm sure my wife won't be! Lol

Thanks for posting this, it has been perfect timing.
Excited, as I think these will sound exactly like I want them to. Let me know how they are when you crank em! I listened to every speaker demo on the site, and even mixed pairs together. The AV60 sounds like it is hitting exactly what I want.
We shall see!
I can't wait til power is back on here and I can get to test these out! I think if I were grabbing speakers for my Marshall, I would have went with the AV30 or AV75. For the Rivera, I think the 60s will be the ticket. Time will tell.
So,.due to my 2x12, one of these speakers doesn't fit. I need to route it a touch larger. No prob, a friend of mine will help me with that. Anyway, I have an AV60 mounted in with an Invader 50. Have hardly had any time whatsoever to play it but damn does it sound huge and glorious. Not sure if I should leave it mixed or throw in another AV60. I'll have to /A/B them and see which is best but probably 2 AV60s. It seems to sound like exactly what I was hoping for. Low and high end are very extended and responsive and sweet. Mods are present, vocal, and not overbearing. Love at first strum? Really working well with the RCA loaded Rivera. Crazy good and again, absolutely huge sounding. Can't wait to really get to try it out in a longer session. Very happy so far!