US Transgender runner qualifies for the Olympics

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Dang, you managed to avoid calling every American a moron with that one. Very nicely done my man.

The olympics have always been a propaganda tool, it's just more obvious now.
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Dang, you managed to avoid calling every American a moron with that one. Very nicely done my man.

The olympics have always been a propaganda tool, it's just more obvious now.
The Americans think it's all above board though :ROFLMAO:
Now I'm reading elsewhere that it's a biological female that thinks she's a man. So I guess that's ok by me but it's all way too confusing and absurd for me.

This is the absurdity of these ridiculous pronouns - you can't work out what's going on from the article I posted because nowhere can I see that unless I'm missing something.
Now I'm reading elsewhere that it's a biological female that thinks she's a man. So I guess that's ok by me but it's all way too confusing and absurd for me.
It is def confusing. I find it amusing there are people out there who lose their cool if you somehow accidentally misgender them. They strike me as more politically transgender than someone truly struggling with elements of their sexuality. Some people want to be offended about everything. Idle hands.
It is def confusing. I find it amusing there are people out there who lose their cool if you somehow accidentally misgender them. They strike me as more politically transgender than someone truly struggling with elements of their sexuality. Some people want to be offended about everything. Idle hands.
I can't see in the article where it tells you the runner was a born a woman and identifies as a man because of the absurd use of these idiotic pronouns. Are we supposed to be psychic.

If the person was born a woman and competed in a women's race why make an issue of the transgender bs for the sake of an article if they aren't insinuating it's the other way around which would make it an issue due to men's inherent advantage in terms of physicality.
Actually, I just finished recording a new track about this current BS you two are tryin' to gin up interest in.

Very impressive if that's actually you. Not the type of music I'd regularly listen to but your timing (if it's really you) has improved dramatically. Sounds good.
So according to that particular demographic's logic, she should be forced to compete in men's events.
Yes I suppose so!

Did you read the news article. You'd be none the wiser what's going and what sex the person is after reading it. We are left to assume and I assumed wrong.
I didn't read the article 'cause I knew it'd be much like the ABC - conveniently leaving out the stuff everyone actually wants to know. :dunno:
I didn't read the article 'cause I knew it'd be much like the ABC - conveniently leaving out the stuff everyone actually wants to know. :dunno:
Well is about the most rightwing of our newspapers so it's a sad state of affairs.
Well is about the most rightwing of our newspapers so it's a sad state of affairs.
You never check the "Sky News Australia" channel on youtube? They are pretty right wing but I think they are anti-vaxxers so you might not like it..
You never check the "Sky News Australia" channel on youtube? They are pretty right wing but I think they are anti-vaxxers so you might not like it..
They aren’t a newspaper - they are more of a cable tv channel. I like most of their stories but I feel like their views are fringe here. Like a try hard Fox News - it doesn’t seem normal in our country even if I agree with most of it.