AxeFx 3 in 4CM…

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Anybody else running an axe 3 in a four cable method setup and able to achieve the same tone as if you were plugged straight in while also not having a ton of hum? If so, what’s you setup?

My setup is a bit more involved than just an ax3 and an amp, and I need to go do some more testing, but it seems that anything I have done to resolve one issue (hum, via isolation transformer) has created another (seemingly a super hot and shrill input signal to the amp).
Same here, I’m struggling a lot with ground loops with my axe fx III and my Fryette PS-100.

Have you tried using humbuster cables to go from your amp to your axe fx?
Same here, I’m struggling a lot with ground loops with my axe fx III and my Fryette PS-100.

Have you tried using humbuster cables to go from your amp to your axe fx?
I’m actually going to recant my previous post, discovered I was a total dumbass and hadn’t caught a mistake I made that put a filter on that was wreaking havoc. Thought it was actually the isolation transformer I put in place but had a head cold when I originally dialed it in….so, just me being a dumbshit

That goes to your question, I went with a box like this betweeen the output of the axe and input of my setup (which is a 4 head and can switcher). Eliminated all my hums and buzzes
This man had a problem, solved it, got the same problem again, and his past self solved his future problem. I find this evidence that message boards in fact, do serve a function!
This man had a problem, solved it, got the same problem again, and his past self solved his future problem. I find this evidence that message boards in fact, do serve a function!
He also may have solved my problem. Thanks!!
Hey guys,
I am running a fractal FX8 with my splawn head.

Even with hum Buster cables, I was getting tons of noise. Ended up getting a Morley hum eliminator and used it in the effects loop send/return right at the amp and it took our ALL the extra hum and noise.

For $75 off of eBay, it was well worth it.

I know the FX8 and axfx3 are different beasts, but just an idea.

I had the same problem, both the Pyle unit linked above and a Behringer MicroHD HD400 resolved the 4CM ground hum with no downsides as far as I can hear, and they don't even require power.