Who is dead?

Not me. Still alive and just bought a VH2! Can’t wait to try it with the Hagen 🤘🏻
Cool. Never tried the VH2, I only know it from yt videos. Had a Fokker once, but got a VH4 instead. I'm down to 2 amps now because I sold my VHT D120. I do not have time to play and fiddle with several amps. Been playing drums more, but have now fired up vh4 again through my VHT D412 with GBs. It's brutal.
Hope you can compare both of the amps ...own a VH2 too and wonder which are the differences wiyh the Hagen !
I’ll definitely try and do a comparison video.

I picked up a second Diezel 2x12 so have one FL and one RL Diezel cab now.

I really love the Hagen but have wanted a VH4 forever then the VH2 showed up for a ridiculously good price. Hopefully it ends the VH4 itch. For now anyway