What’s the going rate for VHT 2150s??

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One popped up on Craigslist a few streets over me for $4700, is that what they are going for these days??
Too fucking much for a power amp, that’s how much. They rule, but they don’t 4-5000 dollars rule.
$2,200 to $4,000 is right. The blue and purple versions tend to go for more than the plain black.

I've tried to buy one locally twice in the past year or so and both had issues with one of the channels.
Honestly there’s no way I’d pay that much for just a power amp and one that has also not been completely gone through. $1700 untouched would be my absolute top and I’d not pay more than $2200 completely gone through. People can ask all they want but at the end of the day it’s still just a power amp.
One popped up on Craigslist a few streets over me for $4700, is that what they are going for these days??
didn't someone have one for sale in our classified section a few months back .... I forget what he was asking ... but I think it was way under 4700
Some dude locally has been trying to sell his black 2150 for $5000 for probably half a year now. Zero bites. I actually think he originally listed it at $7000 or something absolutely insane. The 2/90/2 gets you nearly there at way less than the cost, especially if you buy used.
Somewhere in the $3000 ballpark would be fair imo. It’s a great poweramp. My personal favorite I’ve had along with the Brutus. I like it more than the strategy 400, but it still does have that VHT/Fryette flavor to sound (but better) that may or may not be your cup of tea
Honestly I think $3000 is even too much in this market. The market is simply flooded with gear, even expensive gear, and there are few buyers. For example, I have a like-new Benson Vincent ($3199 retail w/ a 18-24 month waiting period) and I can't get rid of it for $2300 shipped. Nobody is buying anything right now, even if it's rare. Like @braintheory said, it's still just a power amp. I think something like $2000-2500 is what the market would actually bear right now.
i know they are kind of rare and highly regarded, and this dude has had other stuff listed at some good prices, didnt know if they shot up and i missed it or something or what the deal is. there are a couple listed at $5k on reverb, he must have gone by that
Price is determined by 3 things imo....first, how good is it? That particular power amp along with the 2100 are arguably the best on the planet. Next, how many are out there? I'm not sure, but there can't be that many.
And, the big one is how much are you willing to pay? If there are multiples out there, but they're all at 5K (too much imo) and they sit then obviously 4K or a bit lower is decent.
But, I think the days of scoring these hard to find things at a low price are over. The commonly found items are coming down; but the rarer stuff seems to still command big bucks. JCM 800s are still over 2K. That's not an item that I'd consider "coming down in price". And, there are THOUSANDS of 2203/4s out there.
Just show up to the seller's place with a small dollar sign sticker, slap it on the faceplate in front of the model number when he's not looking and boldly state, "look, I'll give you your full asking price of $2150 like it says right there, but not a dollar more".
Yeah I saw that one on CL. Even his Mesa 295 is overpriced. I saw a recent listing in Mass for a Fryette 2/90/2 or Mesa 2:90 for $650. That’s someone who’s actually pricing gear to sell in this market.
2000 is fair for a black one.
Before everything went nuts I bought a blue one for 1700.
Just show up to the seller's place with a small dollar sign sticker, slap it on the faceplate in front of the model number when he's not looking and boldly state, "look, I'll give you your full asking price of $2150 like it says right there, but not a dollar more".
Even more ballsy would be to pop in that liquid paper, decimal point between the 1 and the 5. 😉
I would echo what Racer said, there's how many out there and the condition is a factor not to forget that these are among the the best power amps made so all in they would be at the top price wise. $4k may not be the current market as the market speaks now. What that price is atm I'm not sure since I was never that motivated to sell. They are the real deal and I wish you luck finding one bro.