What are the differences between the USA and MIM Charvel Jake E Lee?


Well-known member
I'm really drawn to this guitar but don't really want another MIM guitar. Is the USA version worth the extra bucks?
21 frets. OFFS. Deal breaker. I don't care that it's historically accurate. Effing stupid. Jakes stage guitars that look like that have 22.
Pretty cool info on the transformation from Fender Strat to Charvel


Huh. Didn't know that some of his models were shorter scale and had different fret sizes on the same guitar.
Custom shop vs MiM production line. I'd imagine you MIGHT get lucky with a gem outta Mexico; but I'd bet it's pretty much a long shot to have it compare favorably to the Custom shop version.
I've played a used one of each, and in that case the Custom was clearly the winner. Not sure about the fret wire though.
I had a MIM So Cal Charvel and while it was decent guitar that played well it was just that.... a good lower end guitar and did not stand up to my Warmoth/Musikraft builds and old Kramers . My MIM So Cal had 6100 fret wire and the frets were dressed well and the edges were comfortable, the 1000 Floyd Rose kinda crappy but it worked and stayed in tune. I traded it for a Randal RG100ES adn felt good about the trade.

With your expectations with having nice higher end guitars I think the MIM would disappoint you but as long as you know that maybe the MIM would suffice.