🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

Im thinking the douche bag got the nod.
How can anyone get roof top with a rifle in broad daylight at a rally.

2 SS yelled at me once because i stepped off the curb to take a closer pic at Bush 2s motorcade.

They were dead serious but respectful to me.

I apologized and moved my ass.

These guys were no joke.
Fully armed and built like a brick shit house
You're not supposed to announce to the open forum that you're a paid poster either, dumbass.

That’s because you are the only one that actually thinks anyone is actually paid to post on forums
"incited people"

I'm not the biggest trump fan in the universe, but DJT has literally just turned the left wings own populist tactics against them.

So the irony of you pulling the "she was asking for it" card is kind of hilarious
Yeah Trump doesn’t incite anything 😂
Here’s a few emails he sends out daily.
There’s even a nice little reminder in there of Trump making fun of Paul Pelosi’s brutal attack and Don Jr. posted a pic mocking it as well.
Emails start at 1:40 but I’m sure you’ll see the Meidas Touch logo and develop such a severe tick you black out 😉

P.S. Shooter was also wearing Demo Ranch clothing, a staunch, right wing 2A advocate. That’s the problem with extremists on both sides. They can so quickly spiral into insulated conspiracy, that even who or what people think would be their ally becomes an enemy or a traitor to the cause. Happens big time on the extreme left as well as they crawl over the corpses of the the once ally who took pause one too many times.

Unfortunately like most shootings where the perp is killed, we’ll never get the full picture we crave for trying to understand it.
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Okay yaw'll 2nd Amendment thumpers ive heard it for years that the 2nd a. to "keep & bear arms" against Government tyranny.
Um well guess what that 20 yr old shooter who was a registered Republican and legal gun owner was excersising his 2nd amendment
privilege. Not saying i agree, not saying its okay but for whatever the reason that shooter felt threatened by what dt represents.
Your US 2nd Amendment Constitution at work folks.
Im thinking the douche bag got the nod.
How can anyone get roof top with a rifle in broad daylight at a rally.

2 SS yelled at me once because i stepped off the curb to take a closer pic at Bush 2s motorcade.

They were dead serious but respectful to me.

I apologized and moved my ass.

These guys were no joke.
Fully armed and built like a brick shit house
Im guessing cuz its the 408th rally in 7 years in hick towns and nobody gives a Fuck.
Im thinking the douche bag got the nod.
How can anyone get roof top with a rifle in broad daylight at a rally.

2 SS yelled at me once because i stepped off the curb to take a closer pic at Bush 2s motorcade.

They were dead serious but respectful to me.

I apologized and moved my ass.

These guys were no joke.
Fully armed and built like a brick shit house
It seems pretty incredible that he could get into that position and even in shooting position be easily visible by parts of the crowd. It doesn’t seem from the google earth image that those roofs wouldn’t be covered by at least deputies or Police. There wasn’t a wealth of elevated vantage points so why wouldn’t you put people on the few around?
Is it just me or does season two of House of the Dragon suck?
It’s not quite as good but still solid. Hoping they go somewhere soon with Daemon. Parts of shows where characters go through the “finding themselves” or “going crazy” tend to bore me. You feel the absence of Paddy Consadine and now Eve Best/Rhaenys. Don’t want to lose too many of the older actors who tend to have the charisma on screen and be left with too many of the whiny younger ones..lol
It seems pretty incredible that he could get into that position and even in shooting position be easily visible by parts of the crowd. It doesn’t seem from the google earth image that those roofs wouldn’t be covered by at least deputies or Police. There wasn’t a wealth of elevated vantage points so why wouldn’t you put people on the few around?
On top of that was well over 90 degrees.
Roof had to be scorching hot to get on your stomach and set up a scope.

Wondering if he got in days before and stashed the rifle in a vent or someplace

But then again how does he climb up with no one with authority seeing him.
On top of that was well over 90 degrees.
Roof had to be scorching hot to get on your stomach and set up a scope.

Wondering if he got in days before and stashed the rifle in a vent or someplace

But then again how does he climb up with no one with authority seeing him.
Man, I never thought of how hot that roof would have been. Might be what saved Trump’s life.
It’s not quite as good but still solid. Hoping they go somewhere soon with Daemon. Parts of shows where characters go through the “finding themselves” or “going crazy” tend to bore me. You feel the absence of Paddy Consadine and now Eve Best/Rhaenys. Don’t want to lose too many of the older actors who tend to have the charisma on screen and be left with too many of the whiny younger ones..lol
Can’t wait for the wolves of winter and Roddy the ruin to appear. The books solid stuff…
Man, I never thought of how hot that roof would have been. Might be what saved Trump’s life.
To me the shooter was an amateur and got what's known as "buck fever" and pulled/jerked all his shots due to being over excited. I'd like to hear @Floyd Eye chime in about that one cause that's what I'm seeing. Shots out to 200 yards aren't very difficult with an AR and decent glass.
Man, I never thought of how hot that roof would have been. Might be what saved Trump’s life.
90 degrees bullshit. Probably over 120 plus. I was building my son’s deck and crawling around on deckboards and they were hotter than fuck. I said piss on this. Dumb fuck was probably on something also….