🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

I used to hate AK irons and bash them as crude and shitty all the time until I put some real range time in with them. They are crude but surprisingly effective. Obviously not as nice as AR irons but they are still perfectly serviceable. That said I still run an aimpoint with lower 1/3rd co-witness of the irons....
I also practice shooting with my iron sights; they may be all I have if I have to move fast and don't have time to turn on the optical power.

on some firearms I can use both my optical and iron sights at the same time, I'll leave the iron sights centered and adjust my optical for windage, etc., and adjust as needed as I fire.

many of my sights are battery powered but also have sight markers I can see with the power on/off. also have a flir thermal sight that works great.



boing boing boing ....
I'll add to my prior post...one thing I need to get are optical sight covers / shades to diffuse / cover the reflection; optical sight reflection can give away your position, just like laser sights, but I still use laser dot on my PCC/PDW at close range - the bullet goes wherever the dot is.
The shooter likely was nervous and when he got on the glass was looking through a lot of “mirage” off the roof. Heat will induce mirage and it’s more difficult to pinpoint a shot due to the movement of heat passing in front of the glass. That roof was likely 120+ degrees and laying in a prone shooting position to stay low and get a good stable shot he would be looking through a lot of it.
We use mirage to track shots out to impact and to an extent, gauge wind speed in long distance shooting. You can literally tell when the wind near you stops by using mirage.
I see it all the time when prone in dirt and grass, and run suppressor covers on mine to minimize the amount coming off a hot suppressor right in front of my scope.
Also it sounded like he was running a suppressor based on what I heard, his shots were even quieter than the suppressed shot of the 308 that killed him. You can see the CST sniper has a suppressor on his weapon in the pic, and the shooters noise level was slightly lower than the CST sniper. All the shots sounded like they were coming from suppressed weapons.
CST teams train out to 1000 yds constantly, I just think it highly unlikely that they missed a shithead inside of 200 yds on one of the only elevated positions to shoot from in the perimeter.
At this point I suspect failures at multiple levels in the team who initially did the threat assessment and finally from the deployed team at the time of the shooting.
Could be a comm breakdown or could be intentional for whatever reason.
There is no possible way that could have happened just a few short years ago, that guy would have never made it to the point he was on the glass….
It's definitely odd how this dude was able to get up to a roof on one of basically 3 buildings and set up to shoot.
I went to a lake/park that for 4th of July that had probably 4000 people there, pretty small event. Even with that there were about 80 state cops there and they were flying drones around the entire time looking for trouble makers.

Did St. Paul write anything about being a douche & taking it in the ear ...?
Yeah, that was one of Paul's lost verses. "Ignore the man that cuts with knife the cloven hoof for profit; he knows not what he says and shall roll with those he slaughters in a similar habitat"
Yeah, that was one of Paul's lost verses. "Ignore the man that cuts with knife the cloven hoof for profit; he knows not what he says and shall roll with those he slaughters in a similar habitat"

The hoofs are gone when i get it. lol.
Americans love their beef more than their intoxicants or guns.
Its Trillion dollar industry.
They process 2100 head a day here.
I dont kill it, i just cut & sell it.
If most Americans saw or knew where their meat came from other than a waiter they might think different.
Were honest folks with real jobs that supply the Nation otherwize you'd be buying dog meat from Korea.
"gimme a Big Mac, fries ans a coke pleeze."
The Jews have strange foood practices i had a friend who was a Jew he ate Delmonico Ribeyes & BBQ Pork ribs regularly.
He was careful not to let the other Jews know.

As for St. Paul cloven hoofs didn't apply to him or his writings he was a Roman citizen. Ephesians was written while he was in jail awaiting execution by beheading cuz Romans by Law could not be crucified.
Jesus disciples could have all ran & hid somewhere and lived out their days because its human nature to save yer own ass.
Instead and to the contrary the all professed Jesus as the Son of God to their deaths many gruesome which tell me the Miracles they witnessed were so significant that they belives the truth the way and the life.
Its a shame as a country that most folks cant view life any other way but a 30 second sound byte.
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The hoofs are gone when i get it. lol.
Americans love their beef more than their intoxicants or guns.
Its Trillion dollar industry.
They process 2100 head a day here.
I dont kill it, i just cut & sell it.
If most Americans saw or knew where their meat came from other than a waiter they might think different.
Were honest folks with real jobs that supply the Nation otherwize you'd be buying dog meat from Korea.
"gimme a Big Mac, fries ans a coke pleeze."
The Jews have strange foood practices i had a friend who was a Jew he ate Delmonico Ribeyes & BBQ Pork ribs regularly.
He was careful not to let the other Jews know.

The last thing heard from Judas before the legion busted in was “Hey man, could you take this back, these ribs need some bark my brother, feel me?”