🚨 Shots Fired 🚨

Something I’m still trying to figure out is the eyewitness account by the red haired guy who said he was pointing out the shooter on the roof to security guards; was that before the shooting or after?
Before. He states the guy was up there for a couple minutes while they all were pointing at him before the shots rang out. At least that was my understanding.
Lots of mentions of endentured servants but nothing about convicts. Selective history I guess.
Difference is only word only and in application of their labour. A lot of political prisoners here too. They were all tried by England's courts and all sentenced to "transportation". Some went to the US later they went to Australia You can spin it any way into a revisionist lotion to soothe your butthurt. Best to sweep your history back under a rug. You are just our older brothers.
Thanks. He DID seem to be incredulous that no one reacted to his advice….but the SS don’t have time to listen to non-professionals.

The interviewer also asked the guy if the SS snipers could have seen the guy on the roof from their vantage point, and he said he didn't think so since the shooter was on the other side of the peak of the roof at the time that he was telling police that the shooter was there.

What I find even more interesting is that there is a report and video I saw on Youtube that stated that a police officer actually went up onto the roof to investigate before the guy started shooting, and then retreated when the shooter turned the gun on him. Sort of another "Uvalde" situation, where if true, the cop is going to have to answer some very serious questions about why he didn't take action. I've tried to find it again, but there's so much noise online right now about it that I haven't been able to find it.

**Found it**

The interviewer also asked the guy if the SS snipers could have seen the guy on the roof from their vantage point, and he said he didn't think so since the shooter was on the other side of the peak of the roof at the time that he was telling police that the shooter was there.

What I find even more interesting is that there is a report and video I saw on Youtube that stated that a police officer actually went up onto the roof to investigate before the guy started shooting, and then retreated when the shooter turned the gun on him. Sort of another "Uvalde" situation, where if true, the cop is going to have to answer some very serious questions about why he didn't take action. I've tried to find it again, but there's so much noise online right now about it that I haven't been able to find it.

**Found it**

Trump should protect the police officer. His life is worth more than a felon trying to win a fickle popularity contest.

Also Trump is not a US citizen. A convict makes him Australian according to you guys.
Trump should protect the police officer. His life is worth more than a felon trying to win a fickle popularity contest.

Also Trump is not a US citizen. A convict makes him Australian according to you guys.

You lost me with the "you guys" thing? But anyway.. Ya'll have fun!
To me the shooter was an amateur and got what's known as "buck fever" and pulled/jerked all his shots due to being over excited. I'd like to hear @Floyd Eye chime in about that one cause that's what I'm seeing. Shots out to 200 yards aren't very difficult with an AR and decent glass.
They're not. I won't elaborate. From what I am hearing there was a cop who confronted the shooter on the roof, the shooter pointed his weapon at the cop and the cop then went down the ladder. At which point the shooter hurriedly took some shots. So he was definitely rushed and full of adrenaline. That coupled with the fact that it wasn't his gun, it was his father's and we don't know how much, if any, shooting this prick ever did to begin with It's not hard to imagine he would miss.
They're not. I won't elaborate. From what I am hearing there was a cop who confronted the shooter on the roof, the shooter pointed his weapon at the cop and the cop then went down the ladder. At which point the shooter hurriedly took some shots. So he was definitely rushed and full of adrenaline. That coupled with the fact that it wasn't his gun, it was his father's and we don't know how much, if any, shooting this prick ever did to begin with It's not hard to imagine he would miss.
Yep. That's just now being reported.

He was wearing a gun club shirt tho'

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Sounds like the people that saw the guy and his encounter with the cop spooked him: though if the cop or any cops had taken action to stop him prior, one person wouldn’t be dead and none of this would have happened.

As someone without a party and have deep criticisms of both parties - and Trump - I find this terrible for my (our) country. Political violence isn’t the answer here.

Battling it out at the ballot box is: though I get those that think Biden’s presidency is illegitimate might think voting is rigged and a useless option.

Now more than ever people need to find common ground and not do what foreign powers want us to do which is to tear each other and this country apart, as they (foreign powers) cannot beat us militarily, but if we fight each other we’ll destroy ourselves as a nation and that is what they want.
Bullshit. I've spent more than my share of time in Montana and plenty of you are complete dumbasses. Clearly.
:m9: yep and you are a very tough guy aren't you! Come to Montana and meet me somewhere we'll see how you will leave everybody is so tough behind the keyboard just like you you little pin dick pussy. You're a little dick man that tries to say this stuff on the internet good for you
:m9: yep and you are a very tough guy aren't you! Come to Montana and meet me somewhere we'll see how you will leave everybody is so tough behind the keyboard just like you you little pin dick pushy. You're a little dick man that tries to say this stuff on the internet good for you
Only one of us here is making internet tough guy threats pal and it ain't me. :sneaky:
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