What the best sealer primer for a poplar body?

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I am going to be using a Krylon mettalic copper paint which I already have, I don't remember if it acrylic or not. The poplar has tight grain so I don't need to fill any grain like Ash, Northern Ash.

I also am going to spray a satin clear coats on the body over the paint color, so what do you guys recommend, Lacquer clear or Poly clear. I sprayed lacquer on my Jake 15 years ago and it is checking and cracking as lacquer does with age so I leaning towards a satin polyurethane.:dunno:

What sealer primer do you guys recommend?
I would probably stick with stuff from the same line of paint you are using since it will be formulated to match and will flash/expand/contrast at the same rate as the paint so you'll have less likely chance of any issues in the future. The filler or etching stuff is not bad and should limit you to needing just one coat, ime. To be fair most of my painting experiences come from auto spray and painting canvases with every medium, so others might have more in depth knowledge, but I don't think you could go wrong with same brand/line.