An album that’s hated by hard rock fans…

But man this tone is fucking cool . This is fender twins right !?

I was a huge fan in the 80's. My SIL worked for Warner back then and got me an autographed picture of Johnny Rotten. I still have the picture but the ink is fading a bit. He used a ball point pen on a glossy picture.
It’s such a classic that whether someone likes or dislikes Never Mind The Bollocks is a great barometer of whether you should be in a band together.
Punk and reggae are two genres i just cant get into
Was never a big fan of punk for some reason. I guess I need more melody and time changes and solos and breakdowns, etc.
I DO like reggae though. Smoke a joint and listen to 311's 'Stealing Happy Hours'. Not exactly reggae but vibey for sure.
I liked many of the late 70s punk bands, saw a few at CBGBs and other clubs: Ramones, Dead Boys, Voidoids, Misfits, and many I forgot...also saw many of the musicians just hanging out there: Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, Stiv Bators, Cheetah Chrome, David Byrne, all of the Ramones,...

We were underage, so kept a low profile, but went enough to be left alone; many knew of us but never knew us.