Marshall 1960AX with QuickRod?

Is this a good combination? Pros? Cons?

A rundown of speakers I use/used with both my Modded Marshalls by Scott and my Quickrods

Eminence Man O' War
1970's Marshall 4x12 with Original Greenbacks
Altec 417

IMHO, the Greenback really favors the Quickrod. Cons? Breakup. If you're REALLY driving the amp, I feel like a higher handling speaker like the V30,75 ETC handles it better but colors it to me.

Pound for pound the Greenbacks are the best for rehearsal/bedroom/studio volumes. Nobody is just driving amps wide open and when these guys build em, they know that. If memory serves me, most guys ran the small blocks anyway which to my knowledge were a greenback copy.
Hmm. Makes sense. Aren't Creambacks basically higher wattage Greenbacks? Or did he change the formula a bit? Did he happen to say who the OEM is?
No he didn't mention anything else.

I am honestly not certain if creambacks and greenbacks are the same speaker "family".
No he didn't mention anything else.

I am honestly not certain if creambacks and greenbacks are the same speaker "family".
The M65 creamback is pretty much aimed at a greenback with higher power handling, which was what the small blocks were/are, but I'm not sure of the OEM either.

I'm pretty sure that @311splawndude is right about the big block being close to some form of G12H, it's not a V30 copy iirc.
The M65 creamback is pretty much aimed at a greenback with higher power handling, which was what the small blocks were/are, but I'm not sure of the OEM either.

I'm pretty sure that @311splawndude is right about the big block being close to some form of G12H, it's not a V30 copy iirc.

Yep. Not a speaker expert but that was my understanding. Welcome to the splawn sub forum bro! :cheers2:
I've played my buddies Splawn Quickrod through an EVH 4x12 with the EVH greenbacks(which are Heritage reissues) and the Quickrod sounded great through it.

You can always install two Vintage 30's in the cabinet like Friedman does if you find all greenbacks aren't tight enough for you.
I believe the Smallblocks were made by Eminence.
In my non V30 cabs I run a combo of Scumback M75/J75 speakers. it's a great mix and they come in 65 and 100Watt versions.
The Scumbacks are Greenback/Blackback "clone/variations" and the mix of the 2 sounds killer. they pair really well with Splawn heads.
This video is using the same cab/speaker combo I use. it actually sold me on it