Cameron CCV and and EVH 4x12 clip

One of those cabs is for sale locally. I really wanted to like it but couldn't.
Little to none upper register detail.
Those cabs take time to break in. Mine just keeps sounding better.
Same with mine, the guy I bought it off said it was well broken in, but I don't think it had ever left his bedroom. I wasn't a fan when I first plugged it in, but it opened up in the top end within a week of putting some decent power through it. Complete tone machine now.
It’s a less mid forward speaker for sure but loves a Marshall. Good match with bright aggressive amp. I got the one I have after playing a JVM210 through it. It was the first time I gave serious thought to a JVM. I should actually have got the head. It was used for $699 (yeah, pre-Covid).