Breaking News: Biden announces he's dropping out of 2024

Good afternoon brother. I was hoping to dial down some of the invective going on in here a little bit with some good blues:)
Ah, good idea. :)


I was reading that Gary was real hard on himself if his performances weren't perfect. I related to that in a big way because I am the same way. Many nights going home angry because some other chump was just there to get paid or I blew my parts or both or just disrespect from the club. You know how it goes. He had high standards and it shows so well in his total approach; the playing, the vocals, the tone, the band. I'm loving his blues stuff.

Yeah, he had very high standards. He was insanely good.

George Harrison was a huge fan of Gary's. Check this out:

Ah, good idea. :)

Yeah, he had very high standards. He was insanely good.

George Harrison was a huge fan of Gary's. Check this out:

I caught him on some interview playing some really sweet, authentic jazz licks. It was then that I realized Gary could play just about anything.

Word on the street is George became a christian of some sort not too long before he died.
Everyone is missing something important about this. Biden didn’t want to step down, and said as much. He has been forced to. What better payback could he give those forcing him out, than for him to step down, while giving Harris his full endorsement . In a moment of clarity ( but this really is some chic level revenge, so Jill) he forced this birdbrained bitch on them to return the favor. I’m not the only one saying that this is the case. At least one major Dem donor has said that he took it it as a “fuck you” and Dems won’t be getting his money if she is the nominee. That is the same reason Obama is keeping his mouth closed. All of those with power know she isn’t capable of beating Trump. No one is, and they are desperate. Just sit back and enjoy the show man. Watching these Dem idiots puff their little chests up with false bravado , knowing that they will soon get the wind knocked out of them is beautiful, and good Americans have earned the right to take a bit of joy in it.
All this hopeful delusion about how good she will be in a debate against Trump will soon evaporate and the reality that she really is dumb as a box of rocks will set in. There will be no cards left to play at that point. It’s stunning to watch all the people talking about her like we have never seen her for the past 4 years. Like you said - sit back and enjoy 😂
Sounds like you should work at the Federal Election commission since you're so smart. Tell them how it's done.
counting accurately; not so difficult.

being honest when counting; very challenging for the DNC and their useless idiot minions:

Quotes From History on X: Those who ...
Look at how other countries that claim to have democratic free elections do it.
not a good idea either; UK

Labour: 9.7 million votes, 412 seats;
Reform UK: 4 million votes, 5 seats.

I heard France was even worse

The leftist globalist fix is in; not just in the US
not a good idea either; UK

Labour: 9.7 million votes, 412 seats;
Reform UK: 4 million votes, 5 seats.

I heard France was even worse

The leftist globalist fix is in; not just in the US
Not talking results, but rather how to run a somewhat legit election , I know that is an oxymoron.
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Word on the street is George became a christian of some sort not too long before he died.

Eh, not really. He became interested in "Alternative" views of Christianity. This from WIkipedia closely mirrors what I've heard Dhani say in interviews.

Harrison continued to embrace the Hare Krishna tradition (particularly japa-yoga chanting with beads) and became a lifelong devotee. He was a vegetarian, on religious grounds, from 1968 until his death. Towards the end of his life, he also embraced alternative views of Christianity; according to his friend Deepak Chopra, Harrison was a keen reader of the Gnostic gospels and the Gospel of Thomas. Along with his wife Olivia, son Dhani and close friends, members of the Radha Krishna Temple were at his bedside when Harrison died in Los Angeles on 29 November 2001.In her press statement, Olivia referred to the Hindu aspiration of breaking the cycle of rebirth (and so achieving moksha), saying: "The profound beauty of the moment of George's passing – of his awakening from this dream – was no surprise to those of us who knew how he longed to be with God. In that pursuit, he was relentless." In accordance with his wishes, Harrison's ashes were scattered at Varanasi in India, at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers.
Eh, not really. He became interested in "Alternative" views of Christianity. This from WIkipedia closely mirrors what I've heard Dhani say in interviews.
Is there is a source for that besides wiccan-pedia? I take everything posted there with a grain of salt and I have read a few articles on it and never heard any of that so it seems like they are just trying to head of a boomer mind F since half of them revere the Beatles higher than Christ.
Is there is a source for that besides wiccan-pedia? I take everything posted there with a grain of salt and I have read a few articles on it and never heard any of that so it seems like they are just trying to head of a boomer mind F since half of them revere the Beatles higher than Christ.
Well dude, I am the guy on here who knows more Beatle minutae than everyone else. So as I said, it jives with what I've seen and read his son Dhani say about it. So I guess the source is his son Dhani.
Well dude, I am the guy on here who knows more Beatle minutae than everyone else. So as I said, it jives with what I've seen and read his son Dhani say about it. So I guess the source is his son Dhani.
I'll take your word for it and only add that if you have ever read the bible and then read the "gospel" of Thomas it's plain as day it's a retarded fake. I have non believer friends that lap that bullshit up like a dog at a water dish but categorically deny everything in the actual bible. I don't get it but I suppose it's driven by delusion and a need to mold Christ into something of our own creation.