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  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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Serious question. How is it that the Party of Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, KKK, Indian Removal Act, Asian Internments, and mass incarceration of blacks can call the GOP racist or clan? The Democrats had a KKK member as their Senate Majority Leader as recent as 1989 and that same Senator, Jame Byrd, held his seat until 2010?
Danny girl is laughing because he doesn’t believe factual history…
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Serious question. How is it that the Party of Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, KKK, Indian Removal Act, Asian Internments, and mass incarceration of blacks can call the GOP racist or clan? The Democrats had a KKK member as their Senate Majority Leader as recent as 1989 and that same Senator, Jame Byrd, held his seat until 2010?
Ohfergawdsake. This again? All ya gotta do is ignore history to keep on floggin' that dead horse. Many but not all of those charges are true. Yes, I admit that, without hesitation or reservation. I'm an old fart and I get tired a lot more pften since my stroke. I'm gonna go take a nap. Will address this after I get up. Serious answer incoming. It cracks me up that some conservatives try to deny the fact that both parties switched sides over time and some even call this fact a myth. I'm not accusing the OP of that. Anyhoo, nitely nite for now.
Ohfergawdsake. This again? All ya gotta do is ignore history to keep on floggin' that dead horse. Many but not all of those charges are true. Yes, I admit that, without hesitation or reservation. I'm an old fart and I get tired a lot more pften since my stroke. I'm gonna go take a nap. Will address this after I get up. Serious answer incoming. It cracks me up that some conservatives try to deny the fact that both parties switched sides over time and some even call this fact a myth. I'm not accusing the OP of that. Anyhoo, nitely nite for now.
Waiting. Should be pretty easy to prove. Most southern states stayed democrats far after the civil right act, Texas, Arkansas, etc. MLK once said the most violent racist he had ever encounter were white Democrats in Chicago.
Geographical demographics shifted in the south, but that’s more tied the Christianity, which the democrats abandoned more and more over the years. The GOP has never had a platform even remotely as disgusting as Democrat history.

The Democrat platform is and always was is whatever level of pandering is required to keep the party in power, regardless how damaging it is to the people. Case in point. Trumps policies are very close or to the left of many of Bill Clinton’s policies.
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Whats the deal with Sheila Jackson Lee being involved in Secret Service oversight?

Have they scrubbed the information off the internet?
Waiting. Should be pretty easy to prove. Most southern states stayed democrats far after the civil right act, Texas, Arkansas, etc. MLK once said the most violent racist he had ever encounter were white Democrats in Chicago.
Geographical demographics shifted in the south, but that’s more tied the Christianity, which the democrats abandoned more and more over the years. The GOP has never had a platform even remotely as disgusting as Democrat history.

The Democrat platform is and always was is whatever level of pandering is required to keep the party in power, regardless how damaging it is to the people. Case in point. Trumps policies are very close or to the left of many of Bill Clinton’s policies.

Here are a few links. You may find them to be of interest.

I don't expect to change anyone's mind given that "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" is basically a mantra here. LOL

Anyway, these are a good start for anyone who wants to dig deeper into this topic. I'm not gonna do it for them.

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Here are a few links. You may find them to be of interest.

I don't expect to change anyone's mind given that "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" is basically a mantra here. LOL

Anyway, these are a good start for anyone who wants to dig deeper into this topic. I'm not gonna do it for them.

That’s good cuz you won’t. That’s all bullshit.
"Please everyone watch my shitlib propaganda videos, IF you're smart like me, youll be brainwashed too!"
Everything is a cover up.
Funny, like a month ago all the media outlets were spreading misinformation by accusing republicans of selectively editing video of Joe Biden in order to claim he was cognitively impaired. Every god damn one of them took KJP’s little sound bite and ran that as a news story as if it were fact.

So yeah, if it’s the media talking about politics it’s a fucking cover up. 🤣🤣🤣