Germany actually did something

Same thing should happen to all churches. Religion breeds hate, war, oppression, and death. The #1 cause of all the world's problems..
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Same thing should happen to all churches. Religion breeds hate, war, oppression, and death. The #1 cause of all the world's problems..
I don't see any Christians saying Allahu Akbar, shagging their goat and shooting their AK47's in the air like mad Arabs.
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Modern Christianity is just an excuse to hate people you don't like and control people. Same people stockpiling guns and preparing for another "civil war". It always gets violent eventually once they beleive the ends justify the means.
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If you actually read the Bible you would see how much horrible violence was supposedly done in the name of the Christian god, as well as by God himself. He destroyed the life of his most faithful follower just to prove a point to Satan. That's fucked up.
If you actually read the Bible you would see how much horrible violence was supposedly done in the name of the Christian god, as well as by God himself. He destroyed the life of his most faithful follower just to prove a point to Satan. That's fucked up.
Do you mean Job? God will never test us beyond what we are capable of bearing and it will often bring us closer to God and make us rely on him. I know God pulls me up and frankly I deserve what I get. As for people doing violence in the name of God - well that's on them - not God.
No that's 100% wrong. I'm sinning when I don't love my neighbour. Certainly Jesus taught that we are to love everyone.

Yes Jesus said to love everyone...including black people, brown people, gays, trans etc. Sadly modern Christians don't, they hate. They use "love thy neighbor" as an excuse to bang their neighbors wife.. Lol.
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Do you mean Job? God will never test us beyond what we are capable of bearing and it will often bring us closer to God and make us rely on him. I know God pulls me up and frankly I deserve what I get. As for people doing violence in the name of God - well that's on them - not God.

Yes. God destroyed Job's life because he was having a pissing match with Satan... he was doing it to serve his ego, which an omnipotent being should not possess, which proves God isn't real and it's all made up by humans.
Yes Jesus said to love everyone...including black people, brown people, gays, trans etc. Sadly modern Christians don't, they hate. They use "love thy neighbor" as an excuse to bang their neighbors wife.. Lol.
The Bible says we are sinful. If people hate other people they are sinning. That's not on God. As for hating as you put it "gays and trans" people it is right to hate the behaviour without hating the individual. You cannot condone people that live against what the word of God says within the Church. However if they turn away from the behaviour I'm sure they'd be welcomed into the Church with open arms. As for hating black and brown people that's a sin. The Bible does talk about many nations. It does not say the world should become one nation. However, we are to love all individuals no matter from what nation just as God does.
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Yes Jesus said to love everyone...including black people, brown people, gays, trans etc. Sadly modern Christians don't, they hate. They use "love thy neighbor" as an excuse to bang their neighbors wife.. Lol.
Were you molested at church camp? Christianity isn’t that bad. It’s not like you are going to be stoned or beheaded for your opinion. Or defenestrated…is that a word? All of the examples of “bad “ things you mentioned are from the Old Testament. Jesus changed the game. Besides…we can’t fathom God…how can we judge him by our standards or morality. Does an amoeba judge a human?
Is the Catholic Church Christian? Serious question. They certainly don't follow the Bible.
The Essences, Cathars and other Gnostics would say no......But Constantine took care of most of them in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea and the Vatican took care of the Cathars and the remaining gnostics during the Albigensian Crusade 1209-1229 and the following inquisitions.