I would think after having a heart attack you would have reflected that trying to convince people of your beliefs vicariously through youtube, grifters, and shills wouldn't be the best way to use your time. Anyways, running on "Brat" is idiotic. I'm sure it's effective with the kids and the sub 80 IQ crowd, but it's not leader of the free world kind of material, imo.
Do you watch that ?
Absolutely. Are Alex Jones and Stew Peters more your speed?

Looks like torture
no not at all gif.gif
I would think after having a heart attack you would have reflected that trying to convince people of your beliefs vicariously through youtube, grifters, and shills wouldn't be the best way to use your time. Anyways, running on "Brat" is idiotic. I'm sure it's effective with the kids and the sub 80 IQ crowd, but it's not leader of the free world kind of material, imo.

Stroke, not a heart attack. I have fun sparring.

I don't expect Trump supporters to approve of the Dem candidate.
Absolutely. Are Alex Jones and Stew Peters more your speed?
lol ... no. I had to google them.

I have no idea who Stew Peters is and don't really want to know. I can't watch Alex Jones either

this is what I watched and learned today

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Stroke, not a heart attack. I have fun sparring.

I don't expect Trump supporters to approve of the Dem candidate.

Funny, I don't expect anyone to approve of the dem "candidate."
I have this toaster, for example. It's a toaster. It toasts bread. That's it's sole purpose.
Yet, it's smarter than Harris. Should I vote for it?
KamalaGtar still at it. You would love my ex, in fact, I'm sure you would make a great couple.

Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX.

Is that your biggest accomplishment in life, having an EX?

Don't you have any friends or family?

Please get some help.

Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX, Your EX.

Is that your biggest accomplishment in life, having an EX?

Don't you have any friends or family?

Please get some help.


You seemed really triggered by their horrible experiences, Donnie.
Isn't Kamala like 59? That's young? Come on... Even I call myself an old man and I'm 55. 55 used to be the retirement age in Australia until they gradually "upped" it.
I didn't sit and watch the entire thing, just skipped around until I got bored. Half of it was some Gen Z girl trying to explain and putting a positive spin on all the Kamala memes poking fun at her. The rest was parroting the same bullet points the talking head media use and a feeble attempt to portray Trump as the old man with dementia. Just a bunch of pandering to their intended audience who are already on board. Nothing new that would change minds or swing the undecided's opinion towards Kamala.

One could even argue that this video would swing the undecided away from Kamala. From a neutral perspective, the first half with all the memes highlighted her deficiencies and showed just how much "mental gymnastics" her supporters are doing to try presenting her in a positive light. That would make me ask what's really going on with her to need so much effort in making her look good? If she is a good candidate wouldn't it be pretty straight forward to present her that way without all the twisting logic?
That would make me ask what's really going on with her to need so much effort in making her look good? If she is a good candidate wouldn't it be pretty straight forward to present her that way without all the twisting logic?
A tree can be judged by its fruit and a person by his or her works. :yes: