Surprised? MAGA goes racist on JD Vance's Indian wife

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We still make jokes about "this is MAGA country" Jussie stuff. It's a funny line, like something out of a movie and not real life. I guess that's cause it wasn't real life. But it's decent script writing lol
A century from now this will all be portrayed in a movie by even worse liberal hollyweirdos.
It's raining, lightning, the works.
An army of Aryans invades Chicago and only one man who identifies as the current thing has the courage to stop them.
Armed with only his neck and lack of integrity, he will take them down!
A century from now this will all be portrayed in a movie by even worse liberal hollyweirdos.
It's raining, lightning, the works.
An army of Aryans invades Chicago and only one man who identifies as the current thing has the courage to stop them.
Armed with only his neck and lack of integrity, he will take them down!
Will Smith as black popeye.
Will Smith as black popeye.

Yet you aren't a citizen here, so you're feelings on our politics are irrelevant to me and others.

Just irrelevant to you.
Fact is, you're ONE person and you only speak for yourself.
If this discussion is irrelevant to you, then no one is forcing you to be involved.

I would love it if the Aussies, the Germans and other vassal states finally grew a pair and told the US to bugger off.

Why would we do that?
It's that exact imperial mindset that keeps your country in the shit.
If people like you decided to grow up and cooperate with other nations, maybe take some advice from those in a better position, you might actually enjoy it.

Cool woman, but no one used that line. I thought you were an educator? There's a difference between posting your thoughts on our politics and posting ONLY your thoughts on our politics. Perhaps you should spend half as much energy asking your politicians to get off our tit if it's such a bother to you. Pretty much outside of that all you are is a foreigner trying to influence or interfere in our elections with your fantasy knowledge of our realities.

You know, I've only ever heard Americans use the word "foreigner".
It says you know fuck all about people from the outside world, apart from the fact that they're not American.
Yet, you've managed to find people from INSIDE your own country who you misunderstand and hate just as much - are they "foreigners" too?

I would love it even more if we never gave any of them or the UN another dime again. No more freebies without return compensation commensurate with our investment in your country,

America's prime investment in world affairs since WW1 has been marching in to secure resources for your own fat gut and then murdering anyone who stood up against you.
Every global conflict since WW1 has boiled down to a proxy war between you lot and the Russians.
The majority of the rest of the world pities your addiction to self importance and violence, and focuses on more important things.

How the average european views America:

Most "foreigners" view American in two ways:
1. Loud, fat, overfed religious extremists who are painfully un-self-aware and can't see past God/Guns/Trump and
2. Normal regular people who wish those in point 1. above would just quietly disappear

Who says that graph is the standard? Who says whatever metrics were used to make sure measurements were the appropriate ones? Who says the data culled wasn't cherry picked to fit the hypothesis.

GTFOH with some bs graph & your confirmation bias.

Um... the website I linked says all that?
That graph is compiled from averaged annual data gathered and tested from the General Social Survey. They inform socio-economic and political decision making at every level in your country, and you don''t even know they exist :ROFLMAO:
Just irrelevant to you.
Fact is, you're ONE person and you only speak for yourself.
If this discussion is irrelevant to you, then no one is forcing you to be involved.

Why would we do that?
It's that exact imperial mindset that keeps your country in the shit.
If people like you decided to grow up and cooperate with other nations, maybe take some advice from those in a better position, you might actually enjoy it.

You know, I've only ever heard Americans use the word "foreigner".
It says you know fuck all about people from the outside world, apart from the fact that they're not American.
Yet, you've managed to find people from INSIDE your own country who you misunderstand and hate just as much - are they "foreigners" too?

America's prime investment in world affairs since WW1 has been marching in to secure resources for your own fat gut and then murdering anyone who stood up against you.
Every global conflict since WW1 has boiled down to a proxy war between you lot and the Russians.
The majority of the rest of the world pities your addiction to self importance and violence, and focuses on more important things.

Most "foreigners" view American in two ways:
1. Loud, fat, overfed religious extremists who are painfully un-self-aware and can't see past God/Guns/Trump and
2. Normal regular people who wish those in point 1. above would just quietly disappear

Um... the website I linked says all that?
That graph is compiled from averaged annual data gathered and tested from the General Social Survey. They inform socio-economic and political decision making at every level in your country, and you don''t even know they exist :ROFLMAO:

Holy shit, you're a pompous douchenozzle. Imagine the lack of confidence and easily bruised ego it takes in oneself to waste so much time responding in such nonsensical ways as a poor attempt to try and be right about everything. Especially to people living in another country about their own cultures and idealism. I mean you must be right, and they must be wrong. You have the graphs, after all.

*Than, opposite of imperial, you're a foreigner talking USA political shop who literally tried to pretend to turn the word foreigner into something not normal and/or said with bad intentions simply just to be fake outraged, so many other things wrong with all of that hypocritical fantasy bologna. Did it ever occur to you that you might not be right? I really hope for your sake that you're drunk.

Can we get some more of those graphs?
Do you have any where the races are reversed in the polls? :unsure:
You know, I've only ever heard Americans use the word "foreigner".
It says you know fuck all about people from the outside world, apart from the fact that they're not American.
Yet, you've managed to find people from INSIDE your own country who you misunderstand and hate just as much - are they "foreigners" too?

This is seriously so psychotic and ignorant.
Not sure if you even get the irony, but boy oh boy.
I didn't realize that you were this dangerous to young minds.
I thought you were just a standard issue dumbass who thought they have good intentions and were just misguided.
Turns out you're so weak that you stoop to such vile and wickedness.
You should probably find a new line of work.
For the safety of the children.
I find it funny that in most polling liberals are always less happy and less satisfied with their lives than conservatives. Then we get to religious people who are yet even more satisfied with their existence. Meanwhile everything is wrong with Jdells world cause some rainbow flyer got his feewings hurt.
Also more likely to have mental issues.
What happens in the USA affects us here in Australia, especially our economy and what we pay for things.
So yes, it's relevant to me.
Also, using the boring "You don't live here, so go away" line is the last resort of someone without any argument of substance.

Cool man. Appreciate the explanation.

You can feel that way if you want, fine by me.
Same tired line Thumbpicker uses. To which I have the same answer. US foreign policy that affects Oz maybe, US domestic policy isn’t your business. And you pay so much for everything there because shit is ludicrously expensive to ship there. From anywhere. I’d suggest making all your own shit, the way the US USED to do, but soon enough the only shit that will be allowed in your country will have to be Allah approved.

Don't paint us all with the same brush, bro. A big percentage of the nation is disgusted by Trumpism.

I love it how these geniuses deny that Christian nationalism is a threat. If Trump wins, his supporters both non-religious and those that aren't the "right type of christians" are in for a rude awakening.
Same tired line Thumbpicker uses. To which I have the same answer. US foreign policy that affects Oz maybe, US domestic policy isn’t your business. And you pay so much for everything there because shit is ludicrously expensive to ship there. From anywhere. I’d suggest making all your own shit, the way the US USED to do, but soon enough the only shit that will be allowed in your country will have to be Allah approved.

Austrailian domestic policy isn't your business.
Don't paint us all with the same brush, bro. A big percentage of the nation is disgusted by Trumpism.

I love it how these geniuses deny that Christian nationalism is a threat. If Trump wins, his supporters both non-religious and those that aren't the "right type of christians" are in for a rude awakening.

Yeah, just like last time when he shipped everyone off to concentration camps :rolleyes:
Yeah, just like last time when he shipped everyone off to concentration camps :rolleyes:

Typical conservatard response.

News flash, genius: He doesn't have to do everything on the same timeline as Hitler. He's already said he wouldn't rule camps out. He claims he's going to deport them quickly. Good luck with that. Some countries are refusing to take them back. But since Trump is such a nice guy I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Yeah HELLO.

Trump does not rule out building detention camps for mass deportations​
Typical conservatard response.

News flash, genius: He doesn't have to do everything on the same timeline as Hitler. He's already said he wouldn't rule camps out. He claims he's going to deport them quickly. Good luck with that. Some countries are refusing to take them back. But since Trump is such a nice guy I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Yeah HELLO.

Trump does not rule out building detention camps for mass deportations​

You're out of your mind, Donnie.
Funny that you would say "typical conservatard response" and then follow up with THE EXACT THING I was making fun of y'all's fantasy hysteria for.
Question: If I'm a left leaning centrist, how the fuck are you a left leaning centrist?
Answer: You're not. You're an extremist trying to make out that your extremism is a normal thing.
You're an extremist. An idiot extremist.
what about the blatant stupidity from some on the left?

it's a free country; with free speech; I don't want to control other people's speech, nor am I responsible for what the say.

Guilt by association is a leftist thing, because of leftist groupthink vs individualism. In leftist totalitarianism your group defines you vs Constitutionalism where your individual words and actions define you.

Guess it's hard for totalitarians to grasp individual rights, responsibility and accountability.
Well fucking said!!
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You're out of your mind, Donnie.

Monkey Man told you I'm not this "Donnie" person. Sheesh.
Funny that you would say "typical conservatard response" and then follow up with THE EXACT THING I was making fun of y'all's fantasy hysteria for.
Question: If I'm a left leaning centrist, how the fuck are you a left leaning centrist?
Answer: You're not. You're an extremist trying to make out that your extremism is a normal thing.
You're an extremist. An idiot extremist.

here we go again.gif